Activity Listings
- Check from LP to Biltmore Hotel for $63.36. [Filed under LP Biographical: Bank Statements and Canceled Checks: First Western Bank, January 1962-December 1962: Box # 4.027 Folder #27.1]
- Itinerary [handwritten]: leave New York at 4:15 PM, arrive in Portland, Oregon at 8:05 PM [Filed under LP Travel, Box #1.003, Folder 3.2]
- Itinerary: LP leaves New York at 4:15 PM, arrive in Portland, Oregon at 8:05 PM [AHP goes to Philadelphia] [Filed under LP Travel, Box #1.003, Folder 3.2]
- Letter from Alain Whitman to LP RE: Encloses a copy of a letter asking for LP’s advice and opinion about setting up a world peace organization. Describes his vision for the peace organization. Apologizes for sending LP a photo-copied letter and expresses his desire that LP see the letter as personal. [Letter from LP to Whitman May 14, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, W: Individual Correspondence, 1960-1962 Box 445 Folder 445.3]
- Letter from Diane Pearlstein to LP RE: Tells LP about all the petitions she sees as ads supported by many groups. Says that she has stopped trying to sign all of them and LP symbolizes why even though she endorses his condemnation of nuclear testing. Talks about her views on the U.S.’s obsession with war, saying that it is us who are promoting war while the Soviet Union is promoting peace. Tells LP she feels it would have been better if he had not left the picket lines to attend the dinner at the White House. [Letter from LP to Pearlstein May 8, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, P: Correspondence, 1960-1963 314, Folder 314.3]
- Letter from Francis Hoague, MacDonald, Hoague & Bayless, to LP. RE: Encloses a check for $11,409.39. Encloses a photostat of the check. Hopes to go to trial with one of the other two actions that LP has. Asks him how he should return the materials. Will try to get as much publicity as possible for the dismissal of the action. [Filed under LP Biographical: Correspondence, Note to Self re: Pauling v. Bellingham Publishing Company, 1960-1963, 1965, 1978: Box # 3.001 Folder #1.8]
- Letter from James L. Opray to LP RE: Asks if LP has seen the book Communist Deception by a former member of the communist party. [Letter from LP to Opray May 26, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, O: Correspondence 1937-1965 Box 300, Folder 300.24]
- Letter from Jose Maria Borrero Monje to LP RE: Written in Spanish. Tells LP about a plan to build a public library in a poor district in hopes of elevating its cultural level. Asks if LP would contribute to this cause. [Filed under LP Correspondence, M: Correspondence 1962-1964 Box 259, Folder 259.1]
- Letter from Norman Thomas to LP, RE: Thomas is creating a petition requesting the Soviet government to abandon capital punishment for economic crimes. Thomas hopes that LP will be a signer of this petition and notes that he is also asking Cyrus Eaton, Eugene Rostow, Henry Steele Commager, Martin Luther King, Lewis Gannett and William Ernest Hocking for their signatures. The petition campaign will be handled from the office of the Workers Defense League, an organization which Thomas has been involved with for a long time. [Letter from LP May 11, 1962] [Filed under LP Peace: (Assorted Peace Appeals, 1940-1970), Box #6.007, Folder #7.15]
- Letter from Thomas L. Perry to Mrs. Ruth Watson RE: Explains that LP is out of town for another week, so he is responding to Watson’s letter. Says he is sorry to hear about her illness and hopes that things turn out better than her doctors predict, but that he does not see how LP would be able to advise her about her disease. Suggests that she look into receiving medical care from the Washington University School of Medicine. [Filed under LP Correspondence, W: Individual Correspondence, 1960-1962 Box 445 Folder 445.3]
- Letter from W. Albert Noyes, Jr., Editor of Journal of the American Chemical Society to LP RE: Encloses a manuscript for LP to read. Asks for LP’s comments on the manuscript and his opinion regarding its suitability for publication in the Journal of the American Chemical Society. [Filed under J:Organizational Correspondence (Jo - Jo) Box 191, Folder 191.1]