Activity Listings
- AHP’s Oslo Conference Statement. [Filed under LP Peace: (Oslo Conference Against the Spread of Nuclear Weapons, May 2-7, 1961), Box #2.002, Folder #2.1]
- LP notes to self RE: The structure of mica. [Filed under LP Manuscripts of Articles: (Manuscripts and Typescripts of Articles by LP, 1961), Box #1961a2, Folder 1961a2.5]
- Letter from Andrzej Witkowski to LP, RE: Witkowski encloses a reprint of the work concerning the results obtained during his research at Caltech. He is sending 10 more by regular mail. He is very happy that LP was able to form a good opinion of his work and thanks LP for making possible his stay at Caltech. Witkowski is currently working on the nuclear-electronic coupling problems and the theory of non-adiabatic reactions. He expects to spend some time in Grenoble in the next year. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (W: Correspondence, 1960, 1962), #445.2]
- Letter from Edwin Dahlberg to LP, RE: Dahlberg thanks LP for sending him the materials relating to SANE. Dahlberg plans to look further into the issues with Sane. [Filed under LP Peace: (SANE: Materials regarding Dodd Committee Investigation and Subsequent Controversy Over Membership of Communists in SANE, 1960-1962), Box #4.004, Folder #4.2]
- Letter from Frank Rosenblum to LP, RE: Rosenblum thinks that Sane should be mindful that practicalities do not negate the basic rights that its members consider inviolate. [Letters from LP to Rosenblum June 15, 1961, June 26, 1961] [Filed under LP Peace: (SANE: Materials regarding Dodd Committee Investigation and Subsequent Controversy Over Membership of Communists in SANE, 1960-1962), Box #4.004, Folder #4.3]
- Letter from Freddy Paine to LP RE: Paine encloses a copy of a paper from Correspondence which will be turned into a pamphlet. Paine hopes that LP will order some for his friends. [Letter from LP to Paine June 26, 1961] [Filed under LP Peace: Assorted Non-Pauling Peace Materials: Articles, Typescripts, Pamphlets, Booklets, Br-El: Box #8.002, Folder #2.22]
- Letter from Gary James Pace to LP RE: Pace will be a 10th grader in the coming school year, and has decided to do a project for the science fair based on Nobel Laureates in science. He asks that LP send him an autographed photo, a reprint of a paper, some sources for finding further information on him, and anything else that might be useful. Handwritten at the bottom: “Sent photograph + short biography on June 27, 1961.” [Filed under LP Correspondence: (P: Correspondence, 1960-1963), #314.2]
- Letter from L. John Collins to LP and AHP, RE: Collins is inviting LP and AHP to attend the Conference during September 14th through the 18th. The Conference’s objective will be to consider nuclear disarmament in relation to total disarmament. [Letter from LP to Collins July 5, 1961] [Filed under LP Peace: (Assorted Peace Conferences, 1949-1962), Box #2.010, Folder #10.9]
- Letter from LP to Dr. J. L. St. John. RE: Has never made a study of dialectical materialism. [Letter from St. John April 18, 1961] [Filed under LP Correspondence (S: Correspondence, 1961): Box #381 Folder #381.2]
- Letter from LP to Dr. Jerome Davis, RE: LP apologizes for the delay, and provides a critique of the book. [Letter from Davis to LP June 12, 1961] [Note from Mrs. Davis to LP June 26, 1961] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (D: Correspondence, 1960-1966), #99.2]
- Letter from LP to Frederic Mellen, RE: LP expresses his strong support of Mellen’s continued activities in opposition to the use of the Mississippi salt domes for the detonation of nuclear explosives. LP is enclosing a copy of the petition he and AHP have written as well as a statement prepared by the Conference Against the Spread of Nuclear Weapons. [Letter from Mellen April 17, 1961] [Filed under LP Peace: (Assorted Peace Appeals, 1940-1970), Box #6.007, Folder #7.14]
- Letter from LP to Lewis Bohn RE: LP agrees with Bohn that more research is needed along the lines of knowledge detection as well as other methods of controlling disarmament. LP continues to think about the World Peace Research Organization but had not succeeded in doing anything about setting it up. [Letter from Bohn to LP April 13, 1961] [Filed under LP Peace: Assorted Non-Pauling Peace Materials: Articles, Typescripts, Pamphlets, Booklets: Ad-Bo: Box #8.001, Folder #1.14]
- Letter from Margaret Russell to LP and AHP, RE: Russell is enclosing 57 checks from 58 donors to help cover the expenses for the Oslo Conference. [Filed under LP Peace: (Oslo Conference Against the Spread of Nuclear Weapons, May 2-7, 1961), Box #2.001, Folder #1.4]
- Letter from Mark Oliphant to LP, RE: Oliphant is glad that the Conference was so successful. [Filed under LP Peace: (Oslo Conference Against the Spread of Nuclear Weapons, May 2-7, 1961), Box #2.004, Folder #4.4]
- Letter from Mrs. Karl Klokke, President, Los Angeles County Organization for Mentally Ill Children, to LP, RE: Invites LP to speak for the LACOMIC; a large auditorium will be rented, and the event will be well publicized. [Letter from LP to Klokke June 29, 1961] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (L: Correspondence, 1961-1963), #232.1]
- Letter from Norman Cousins to LP, RE: Cousins has no way of knowing what the National Review used as the basis for the story that it ran. The differences in Sane are a matter of public record. Cousins notes that he believes in a broad-based peace movement. Cousins believes that as experience indicates, Communists attempt to use such movements to serve their own purposes. [Letter from LP to Cousins May 29, 1961] [Filed under LP Peace: (SANE: Materials regarding Dodd Committee Investigation and Subsequent Controversy Over Membership of Communists in SANE, 1960-1962), Box #4.004, Folder #4.2]
- Letter from Norman Sutin, Brookhaven National Laboratory to LP, RE: Sutin thanks LP for his earlier letter which referred him to hemoglobin research and also attaches a reprint of Sutin’s research on hemoglobin. [Filed under LP Science: (Non-Pauling Reprints re: Hemoglobin research, 1960s), Box #6.010, Folder #10.1]
- Letter from Norman Thomas to LP, RE: Thomas thanks LP for the copy of the Oslo Statement. Thomas informs LP that he will not endorse LP’s petition on the National Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy in relation to communism. Thomas thinks that the Committee has a better chance of working with and negotiating with Communist governments if it is free of any sort of communist control. [Filed under LP Peace: (SANE: Materials regarding Dodd Committee Investigation and Subsequent Controversy Over Membership of Communists in SANE, 1960-1962), Box #4.004, Folder #4.2]
- Letter from Professor Ulrich Noack to LP, RE: Written in German. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (N: Correspondence, 1957-1964), #288.5]
- Letter from Robert C. Nelson to LP, RE: Nelson sends three papers that might be of interest to LP. One is a revised copy of the paper previously sent to LP on hurricanes. [Letters from LP to Nelson, February 1, 1961 and June 29, 1961] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (N: Correspondence, 1957-1964), #288.5]
- Letter from Walter Wills to LP, RE: It seems to Wills that most people are not informed of the deadly nature of atomic warfare. Wills asks LP to provide any information or references which would tell why there is so little world-wide recognition of this serious situation. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (W: Correspondence, 1960-1962), #445.2]
- Letter from William G. Childs, to LP. RE: Encloses a check for $45 for his expenses to be paid by the Ottawa Committee for the Control of Radiation Hazards. Thanks him for his time and effort. [Filed under LP Speeches: (Speeches by LP, 1961) Box # 1961s2 Folder #1961s2.9]
- Letter from Yaroslava Mills to LP, RE: Mills thanks LP for his recent letter to her husband Wright Mills who has recently suffered a myocardial infarction and must remain at rest. [Filed under LP Peace: (SANE: Materials regarding Dodd Committee Investigation and Subsequent Controversy Over Membership of Communists in SANE, 1960-1962), Box #4.004, Folder #4.2]
- Letter from Zbigniew Ogzhewalski to LP, RE: Written in Russian, includes translation. Ogzhewalski sends the preliminary results of his research on the structure of elementary particles in four-dimensional space. Attachment: “Electronic Models of Atoms and Molecules.” [Filed under LP Correspondence: (O: Correspondence, 1937-1965), #300.23]
- Newsletter: News Flashes, Committee for Nonviolent Action, June 21, 1961. [Filed under AHP materials re: Women and Peace: (Newsletter and Pamphlets re: Committee for Nonviolent Action; Peace Action Center), Box#4.010, Folder#10.14]
- Note from Nancy Reeves to AHP, RE: Provides constructive criticism from those who attended a seminar in which AHP spoke; notes that some found her speech to lack organization, although she tends to disagree. Also provides an illustration of a chart she has created from a Bertrand Russell quote that addresses the concepts of love and knowledge. [Filed under AHP materials re: Peace and Women: (Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom: 1959-1981), Box#4.001, Folder#1.1]