Notes re: Linus Pauling's solicitation of public support concerning the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee investigations of his peace activism. approx. September 16, 1960. Page 1
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Activity Listings
- Bill from Annual Reviews, Inc. To LP for the Annual Review of Physical Chemistry for the amount $7.28. [Filed under LP Biographical:(California Institute of Technology: Assorted Financial Materials, 1945-1965), Box#1.032, Folder#32.6]
- Letter from Elinor Ashkenazy to AHP and LP RE: Inform that they sent the attached letter to Friends Meetings in the area. [Filed under LP Biographical: (Correspondence re: Senate Internal Security Subcommittee, 1960), Box #2.019, Folder #19.1]
- Letter from Elinor Ashkenazy to Senator Thomas J. Dodd RE: Inform that members of the Quaker community are very concerned with world peace and freedom to petition the government. Asks the committee to cancel further appearance of LP. [Filed under LP Biographical: (Correspondence re: Senate Internal Security Subcommittee, 1960), Box #2.019, Folder #19.1]
- Letter from James M. Dunning, Harvard University Health Services. RE: Thanks him for his comments on dental x-ray work. Defends his stance. Encloses a photostat report from the Journal of the American Dental Association. [LP's reply September 22, 1960] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (D: Correspondence, 1960) Box # 99 Folder # 99.1]
- Letter from Joseph Facci, to LP. RE: Thanks him for his cooperation with his Guggenheim application. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Facci, Joseph, 1959-60, 1968) Box # 117 Folder #117.1]
- Letter from Leon J. Epstein to LP RE: Asks LP to read the enclosed proposal to continue the Study of Metabolic Disorders in Mentally Deficient Children and send back an assessment of its merit before September 27. [Letter from LP to Epstein 196-] [Filed under LP Science: (Orthomolecular Medicine and Mental Health: Materials re: Ford Foundation grants for the study of mental disorders, 19555-1966), Box #11.089, Folder #89.13]
- Memorandum from Joan Harris to LP. RE: Hurley called and suggested two dates for his speaking at the Conference on Science and Religion. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (H: Correspondence, 1960) Box # 167 Folder #167.5]
- Telegram from Douglas Leiterman Broadcaster, to LP. RE: Requests a fifteen minute interview on nuclear prohibition. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (L: Correspondence, 1960) # 231.6]