Activity Listings
- Booklet: "What Are the Churches Attacked as Red?", Address given by, Rev. Donald G. Lothrop, March 13, 1960. [Filed Under LP Biographical: (Assorted Materials re: Civil Liberties), Box #2.046, Folder #46.3]
- Letter from Dr. H. Noller, Physical Chemistry Institute of the University, Munich, to LP RE: Written in German. Discusses the progress of the translation of LP's, The Nature of the Chemical Bond, into German. [Letter from LP to Noller June 13, 1960] [Filed under LP Books: 1960b5.8]
- Letter from LP to Pauline Pauling RE: Shares that he has been hoping to see her. Gives updates on the family. Discusses the possibility of her making monthly payments on interest and principle, such that the total would be paid in a few years. [Filed under LP Biographical: Family Correspondence: Pauline Pauling [Stockton Ney Dunbar Emmett], 1934-1995: Box #5.051, Folder #51.8]