Activity Listings
- Check from Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rothman to Caltech RE: $100 check for the Richard W. Lippman Fund. [Letter from DuBridge to Rothman February 19, 1960] [Filed under LP Science: (R.W. Lippman Memorial Fund, 1949-1962), Box #14.040, Folder #40.11]
- Itinerary [handwritten]: Annual Banquet of Freethinkers of Southern California [Filed under LP Travel: Box #1.002, Folder 2.6]
- Letter from Dorothy Hodgkin to LP. RE: Has read his latest book. Thanks him for sending it. Was glad that he is safe now. Gives an update on her work. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Hodgkin, Dorothy Crowfoot) Box # 159 Folder 159. 12]
- Letter from I. Bonnington, to LP. RE: Discusses the future of atomic theory. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (B: Correspondence, 1958-1961), Box # 39, Folder #39.3]
- Letter from Michael J. Goldstein, University of California, to LP. RE: Asks him to participate in a debate on nuclear bomb testing. [Letter from LP February 17, 1960] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (U: Correspondence, 1960) #421.18]
- Letter from Mrs. I. Hasegawa to LP, RE: Hasegawa has learned that LP will be speaking for SANE in New Jersey during the week of April 18th through 25th and asks if it is possible for LP to speak to at Rutgers University on April 23rd or 24th. This would be a public meeting sponsored by the New Jersey Women's International League for Peace and Freedom. [Letter from LP February 17, 1960] [Filed under LP Peace: (Assorted Peace Groups, Wo), Box #4.016, Folder #16.1]
- Letter from Reuben E. Wood, George Washington University, to LP. RE: Informs him that he has been developing study aids for chemistry students. Would like LP's comments on them. [Letter from LP April 14, 1960] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Wood, Reuben) 438.7]
- Typescript: (no title), Annual Banquet of the Freethinkers of Southern California. [Filed under LP Speeches: (Speeches by LP, 1960) Box # 1960s Folder #1960s.6]