24 May 1959
Dear Mamma,
Thanks you for your many letters. I am sorry not or write more.
We are looking forward to seeing you. When are you coming how long are you staying
and do you want a car? We have been looking at houses. We have narrowed down the field to
two or three streets in Notting Hill. I shall show you the place. We are considering just now a
home that has been rebuilt and we could move right in and to reasonable standards, but a little
too expensive. You have to pay the profit of the guy who overhauled the place and then it is not
quite what you want buy an advantage is that it is less work for you and you can move in sooner.
I think we shall make an offer on this place and see what happens. I have been giving some
lectures and will give a little course next week on computing it should be fun.
Thank you. The 1st issue of Sunset
came today. Very nice you are a love.
We have been trying to get a new bed for you but no success so far. I hope we
How long are you staying this summer and where are you going?
Brilliant town planning on Notting Hill. The growing district. Many of our friends
live there but the only one who makes use of its special advantages is Mike Bernard.
love from,
(XXXOOO)! Peter