Letter from Linus Pauling to A.C. Claus. Page 1. May 12, 1959
Letter from Linus Pauling to A.C. Claus. May 12, 1959. Page 1  Larger Images / More Information. 1 p.  View Transcript

Activity Listings

  • Itinerary [handwritten]: Beverly Hills Exchange Club, 12:00 Blum's Restaurant [Filed under LP Travel: Box #1.002, Folder 2.5]
  • Letter from Dora E. Young, The Helen Hay Whitney Foundation to LP RE: Asks LP to return the air travel card issued to him for use in connection with travel on Foundation affairs. Expresses her regret at his decision to resign from the Scientific Advisory Committee, she shall miss him at meetings. [Letter from LP to Young May 25, 1959] [Filed under LP Science: Helen Hay Whitney Foundation—Scientific Advisory Committee: Correspondence 1954-1959: Box #15.002, Folder #2.5]
  • Letter from J. Polonsky to LP RE: Thanks LP for the welcome he received at Caltech. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (P: Correspondence) #313.7]
  • Letter from James R. Lisa, M.D., Director of Pathology, Department of Hospitals of the City of New York, To Whom It May Concern, RE: For the past two years Dr. Lisa has been able to study the procedures and records of experimental studies by Mrs. Kidwell. He thinks that this work is very significant, and show a lot of promise. [Letter from Greenwood to Whom It May Concern, May 12, 1959, Letter from Uncle Walter to Betsy, May 17, 1959] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (K: Correspondence, 1957-1962), #201.5]
  • Letter from LP to Carroll Richardson RE: Comments on a letter sent by President DuBridge to Robinson regarding the Office of Civil Defense of Pasadena's "What is the Truth" pamphlet. Discusses DuBridge's comments about nuclear fallout. [Note from Richardson to LP May 10, 1959, Letter from Richardson to LP May 19, 1959] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (R: Correspondence, 1959), #341.5]
  • Letter from LP to Dr. K. Okakura, The Japan Council Against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs, RE: LP and AHP will be in Japan from August 1 to August 15 in order to take part in the Fifth World Conference. LP encloses a copy of his letter to Professor Yasui and tells Okakura that some concerns about the cost of travel caused the delay in his decision to attend. [Okakura's letter May 9, 1959] [Filed under LP Peace: (Japan Council Against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs, 1957-1965, 1991), Box #4.008, Folder #8.3]
  • Letter from LP to John Moors Cabot, State Department, Washington D.C. RE: Expresses his pleasure in learning that Cabot has been chosen as Ambassador to Brazil, sends his congratulations, says they remember their kindness in Stockholm and sends AHP's regards to Mrs. Cabot. [Letter from Cabot to LP May 21, 1959] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (C: Correspondence, 1959), #75.2]
  • Letter from LP to Kaoru Yasui, Director Japan Council Against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs, RE: LP will be able to accept the invitation to take part in the pilgrimage to Hiroshima in August. LP is pleased to speak at some of the meetings and notes that AHP is an excellent public speaker who is very active in the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom. LP informs Yasui that he and AHP are able to pay for a major part of the cost of their trip, but would like to have living expenses while in Japan provided by the Conference. [Filed under LP Peace: (Japan Council Against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs, 1957-1965, 1991), Box #4.008, Folder #8.3]
  • Letter from LP to Li-Ming Shiue RE: Responds to Shiue's questions about topics from LP's General Chemistry, including definitions of solvent and solute, Raoult's Law and replacement metals for ferrosilicon in an electrolytic rectifier. [Letter from Shiue to LP April 11, 1959] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (S: Correspondence, 1959), #380.3] Anand
  • Letter from LP to Professor H. F. Mark, Director, Polymer Research Institute, Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn RE: Says he is sorry to say that he is in Sweden at that time and therefore cannot invite Professor Topchiev for a visit, and asks that Mark express his regret and regards to Topchiev. [Letter from Mark to LP May 11, 1959] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Mark, Herman), #244.1]
  • Letter from LP to Professor Melvin Calvin, Chemistry Department, University of California RE: Says he is pleased that he has been elected a Foreign Member of the Royal Society, congratulates him, and says he is looking forward to seeing him again one of these days. [Letter from Calvin to LP May 15, 1959] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Calvin, Melvin), #57.4]
  • Letter from LP to Thelma Hepburn, Newsweek, RE: Thanks Hepburn for sending a copy of the May 11 issue of Newsweek. Explains his negative opinion of the article on his speech about the U.S.'s nuclear arsenal. Requests that his comments be passed on the researcher and assistant editor of the article. [Letter from Hepburn to LP May 4, 1959, Letter from Hepburn to LP May 21, 1959] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Newsweek), #286.6]
  • Letter from Lawrence Sturman, Phi Delta Epsilon Fraternity, Northwestern University, to LP RE: Describes the Phi Delta Epsilon annual national lectureship Invites LP to be guest speaker at this year's lectureship. [Letter from LP to Sturman June 1, 1959] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (P: Correspondence) #313.7]
  • Letter from Mrs. Idyle Wilde Godard, Coos County School Superintendent's Office, to LP RE: Invites him to speak at their annual Coos County Regional Workshop for teachers, says their topic is (Science as it Affects Our World today, says there are approximately 650 teachers, says they can cover an honorarium and travel, says the speech would be for one hour, and looks forward to hearing from him. [Letter from LP to Godard May 20, 1959] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (C: Correspondence, 1959), #75.2]
  • Memo from Ivan F. Betts to LP, RE: Contract No. Nonr-220(33) (Chemistry 43) is scheduled to terminate on 31 August 1959. If continuation is planned, would appreciate receiving a renewal proposal as soon as possible. [Filed under LP Science: (Office of Naval Research: Correspondence, Memoranda, Notes and Assorted Materials re: "The Structure of Metals and Intermetallic Compounds," Contract Nonr 220(33) (Chemistry 43), 1958-1963), Box #14.035, Folder #35.1]