Activity Listings
- Itinerary [handwritten]: Haverford College [Filed under LP Travel: Box #1.002, Folder #2.3]
- Letter from Avraham Biran, Consul General, Israel, to LP RE: Invites him to a luncheon with His Excellency Abba Eban, Ambassador of Israel to the US and Head of the Israel Delegation to the UN. Handwritten note in the right margin states: (Regrets telephoned 11/11/57" [Filed under LP Correspondence: (B: Correspondence, 1957), #38.3]
- Letter from Charles Carpenter, MD, Chairman, Research Advisory Committee, City of Hope Medical Center, to LP RE: Notifies him when and where the next committee meeting will take place and that members of the National Scientific Council and perhaps the Deans Committee will be there, as it is the meeting where they will discuss the research and forecast for the Medical Center for the next year. Includes copy of agenda for meeting. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (City of Hope Medical Center, 1955-9158), #70.9]
- Letter from Dr. Everett M. Hafner, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Rochester RE: Invites him to speak to the Rochester Chapter of Sigma Xi sometime in the next year. [Letter from LP to Hafner November 4, 1957] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (H: Correspondence, 1957), #167.2]
- Letter from Dr. T.R. Robie, American Psychiatric Association, to LP RE: Expresses regret that LP will not be able to speak at the Association's Convention in 1958 but asks if LP would still be willing to send a short statement on biochemical developments in the field of psychiatry that would be read at the meeting. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (American Psychiatric Association, 1954, 1956-1957), #11.11]
- Letter from Joe B. Routh to LP RE: Wrote during the summer and Lippman replied saying that LP was out of town. They would appreciate hearing from LP on any progress made in his research on mental deficiency since there is a member in his family suffering from a disease they believe to be of chemical origin. [Lippman to Routh July 25, 1957, Letter from LP to Routh November 4, 1957] [Filed under LP Science: Orthomolecular Medicine and Mental Health: Materials re: Ford Foundation grants for the study of mental disorders, 1955-1956: Box #11.089, Folder 89.7]
- Letter from Maurice H. Fouracre, President, The International Council for Exceptional Children, to LP RE: Invites him to speak at the opening session of their annual meeting in April of 1958. [Letter from LP to Dr. Fouracre November 1, 1957] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (F: Correspondence, 1957), #129.1]
- Letter from Ralph L. Shriner, State University of Iowa to LP RE: Thanks LP for the chart for the Brussels Exhibit. [Letter from LP to Shriner October 18, 1957] [Filed under LP Science: (National Science Foundation: Grants, Exhibits, 1954-1964), Box #14.030, Folder #30.6]
- Magazine Article: "National Affairs," Time, October 28, 1957. [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings: 1957n.42]