Letter from Linus Pauling to N.F. Mott Page 1. November 22, 1955
Letter from Linus Pauling to N.F. Mott November 22, 1955. Page 1  Larger Images / More Information. 2 pp.  View Transcript

Activity Listings

  • Check from AHP to The Museum Association for $10.00. [Filed under LP Biographical: (Business and Financial: Bank Statements and Canceled Checks, December 1954-February 1956), Box #4.023, Folder #23.1] [Also filed under LP Biographical: (Business and Financial: Check Registers, 1951-1960), Box #4.075, Folder #75.5]
  • Letter from Alfred C. Ingersoll to Senator Thomas C. Hennings, Jr., Chairman, Subcommittee on Constitutional Rights, Committee on the Judiciary, RE: Attended a lecture given by LP as part of the Indian Science Congress in Baroda in January 1955. Earlier in the Congress, Prime Minister Nehru had expressed the hope that scientists would channel their efforts toward the promotion of world peace rather than the advancement of military technology. After LP gave his lecture on sickle-cell anemia, he remarked to the audience that countless U.S. scientists are working on problems which promote the peaceful development and welfare of all peoples. This statement was applauded wildly. An Indian friend remarked to Ingersoll that LP had, "done more tonight to dispel the notion that Americans are international war-mongers than have all the official releases through [the U.S.] State Department and U.S.I.S. publications." [Letter from LP to Ingersoll December 6, 1955, Letter from Hennings to LP December 20, 1955] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (H: Correspondence, 1950-1955), #166.6]
  • Letter from Howard R. Bierman, M.D., Director, City Hope Medical Center, to LP RE: Encloses four abstracts which have been submitted for presentation at the January meeting, as well as a protocol for the proposed research project. These items will be on the Research Advisory Committee meeting agenda for November 30. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (C: Organizational Correspondence. (Ch - Ci)), #70.9]
  • Letter from LP to Dr. Frank Aydelotte, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, RE:
  • Letter from LP to Dr. J. B. Neilands, Biochemistry Dept., University of California, RE: Regrets that x-ray work on the ferrichrome A crystal was largely unsuccessful. Gives results obtained by Dr. Eichhorn's analysis. Eichhorn recommends that no further x-ray work be done on the crystal at this time. Under separate cover, returns the unused portion of the crystal. [Letter from Neilands to LP November 2, 1955] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (N: Individual Correspondence. (Nader - Newbold)), #276.6]
  • Letter from LP to Dr. J. Norton Wilson, Shell Development Co., RE: Expects to be at Caltech on December 8. Looks forward to seeing Dr. Mackor. Hopes that Wilson has gotten over the flu without any difficulty. [Letter from Wilson to Roberts November 18, 1955] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (W: Correspondence, 1953-1959), #444.3]
  • Letter from LP to Dr. L.J. Rather, Stanford University School of Medicine, RE: Interested to read Rather's material about a course on the theoretical basis of medicine, or perhaps the philosophical basis of the study of disease. The course seems to be about words, not facts — that is, not about the world itself. Max Mason said to LP the other day that philosophy seems to be a discussion of words. Has a feeling that this course would a discussion of what people have said in the past, rather than what they have done, and the results of their actions. [Letters from Rather to LP, November (general), November 29, 1955] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (R: Correspondence, 1955-1959), #341.1]
  • Letter from LP to Dr. Per-Olov Lowdin, c/o Professor M. Kasha, Chemistry Dept., Florida State University, RE: Pleased that Lowdin will be visiting February 5 - February 12. Suggests that Lowdin plan to give three lectures while at Caltech, dealing with the quantum theory of molecules and crystals. The audience will be mainly graduate students working in the field of molecular structure, as well as post-doctoral people. Requests that Lowdin send the titles of his planned lectures. [Letters from Lowdin to LP November 19, 1955, December 28, 1955] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (L: Individual Correspondence. (Longuet-Higgins - LuValle)), #218.4]
  • Letter from LP to Miss Mary D. Alexander RE: Encloses a paper "Hydrogen Bonded Helical Configurations of Polynucleotides" by Jerry Donahue of USC for publication in the Proceedings. [Filed under LP Science: (National Academy of Sciences, 1955-1969), Box #14.021, Folder #21.1]
  • Letter from LP to Professor A.N. Winchell, RE: Thanks Winchell for sending him a copy of his acceptance address of the Roebling Medal of Mineralogical Society of America. Has read it with interest. Appreciated Winchell's mention of his time spent at the Caltech x-ray laboratory twenty years ago. LP is often reminded of Winchell's stay by seeing a reprint of Winchell's paper on swedenborgite or by seeing a reference to Winchell's work on optical properties of minerals. Has only one student currently working on minerals: making a redetermination of the structure of zunyite. Does not doubt that the structure is right, but needs to make the atomic positions more precise. Congratulates Winchell on receiving the Roebling Medal. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (W: Correspondence, 1953-1959), #444.3]
  • Letter from LP to Professor George Wald, Biological Laboratories, Harvard University, RE: Has talked with Dr. Edgar Eichhorn about doing x-ray work on the five carotenoids, related to retinene, about which Wald spoke to LP. Eichhorn is anxious to attack this problem. Requests that Wald send the crystals of these substances. Specifies size of crystals and other details. [Letter from Wald to LP November 30, 1955] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (W: Individual Correspondence. (Wald - Washburn)), #431.1]
  • Memo from Dr. Robert B. Corey, Gates and Crellin Laboratories, Caltech, to LP RE: Does not want to get involved with wool research. Can give his reasons for this opinion in detail if Corey is interested. If they do accept a grant from the Wool Bureau, LP suggests that it provide for a biochemist who would prepare fractions of wool or other alpha-keratin proteins, make fibers which showed strong biregfringence, and turn them over to the x-ray protein workers. The budget should provide for the research fellow's stipend as well as his laboratory equipment. [Letter from Laxer to LP November 16, 1955, Letter from LP to Laxer December 2, 1955] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (L: Correspondence, 1955-1960), #231.1]
  • Received Aydelotte's letter. Recently returned from hearing and giving testimony in Washington. AHP and LP would have liked to visit Aydelotte this year, but their busy schedule has not permitted it. Hope to see Aydelotte when they travel next spring. Thanks Aydelotte for his congratulations on appearing before the Hennings Senate Sub-Committee. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (A: Individual Correspondence. (Alexander - Aydelotte)), #6.21]