9 September 1954
Dr. Heinrich Heesch
Wilhelmplatz 4
Kiel, Germany
Dear Heinrich:
Your letter arrived in Pasadena just after I had left on an eastern trip, and since returning I have put off answering it, because I got very busy with the revision of a book.
I am glad to have the information that you give me about the four-color problem. I agree with Professor Peschl that you should prepare your present results for publication.
Have you decided on a place for publication? You might want to get in touch with Professor Phillip Franklin, in the Department of Mathematics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. To reach him all that you need to do is to address the letter to M.I.T., Cambridge 39, Massachusetts. You mention in your letter that he worked with Birkhoff on the four-color problem long ago, and I suppose that he is still interested in it. He is the editor of a mathematics journal.
I think that it would be well worth while for you to publish also the classification that you have made of all maps in such a way that the four-color problem could be solved by a finite process. I think that you should try to carry out this process, but also it is worth while to see whether some of it might be done with electronic calculating machines, or at any rate whether the electronic calculating machines could be used to check the calculation.
In addition to revising my book, the textbook in general chemistry, I am working on the problem of the structure of collagen, which is a protein present in tendons, bones, and skin. This problem is a very difficult one, but I think that I have found a satisfactory structure now.
Cordially yours,
Linus Pauling:W