15 September 1954
Dr. Fred J. Allen
118 East Stadium
West Lafayette, Indiana
Dear Fred:
Thanks for your letters, Ava Helen and I were happy to have news about your sons. She has been busy the last couple of days getting Crellin ready to go off to Reed. He will leave this afternoon, and arrive in Portland tomorrow night, by train.
I am glad to have your comments on the working of problems. I think that I shall revise Chapter 8 accordingly, giving more than one way of working problems.
I shall need to have the manuscripts for Chapters 8 to 12 back, as soon as you have finished going through them. Perhaps you should mail them to me, airmail, individually, sending each one when you are through it. I want to get the first part of the book revised as soon as possible; but in particular I do not have a copy of these chapters, and I need to have the complete manuscript here for reference. You may keep Chapters 1 to 7, if you want, and write only your comments to me. If you have so many comments to make that it is much more convenient for you to put them on the manuscript itself, you might do so, and mail me the manuscript, or those pages that you have written on. I could mail them back to you.
Are you going to be too busy during the next six weeks to take on a job in addition to the one described in my letter? I think that I did not mention problems in the letter. Now I want to ask if you could give me some problems, or other exercises, especially for the first seven chapters. I should like to have ten or twelve simple exercises for each of the first few chapters, exercises in general simpler than those that are in the first edition. I shall be grateful if you can work this into your schedule.
Do not feel that you should limit the number of hours that you put in on this job because of a limitation on the amount of money that I can allocate to it.
I have not made a definite suggestion to you about payment. Let me say that I am very grateful to you for being willing to help me, and I do not consider that I can repay you adequately by writing a check. Nevertheless, I enclose my check for $400. I suggest that you keep track
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of the hours that you spend on the job, and calculate the amount due you at the rate of $4.00 per hour. Is this satisfactory to you? Let me know when you have passed the 100-hour mark.
Please give my best regards to Mrs. Allen.
Sincerely yours,
Linus Pauling:W