Linus Pauling with a group of teachers, Stillwater, Oklahoma. Picture. 1951
Linus Pauling with a group of teachers, Stillwater, Oklahoma. 1951. Picture  Larger Images / More Information.

Travel: New York, NY

Activity Listings

  • Bill from the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company to LP for $24.22. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: (Assorted Bills, Receipts and Invoices, 1951-1962.), Box #4.060, Folder #60.1]
  • Note from Herbert Harned, Sterling Chemistry Laboratory, Yale University, to LP, RE: Invites LP and his wife to stay with the Harneds when they attend the meeting of the National Academy of Sciences. [Letter from LP to Harned, September 28, 1951] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Harned Herbert), #151.13]
  • Offprint: “Statement of Rev. Stephen H. Fritchman, given following service at First Unitarian Church of Los Angeles, September 16, 1951.” [Filed under LP Peace: (First Unitarian Church, [Rev. Stephen H. Fritchman] Correspondence, 1948-1994), Box #4.001, Folder #1.6]