July 7th, 1951
Dear Family,
The week has gone fairly well, though we have not yet begun really to work. The squid
are not running, and we shall begin on frog nerves on Monday. The electrical apparatus is set up
and works well.
It is very nice here. It was dark yesterday, but otherwise the weather was warm and I
have swum every day. So far I have not worked terribly hard. I have gone to the physiology
course lectures every day. Stephen Kuffler has given a couple of interesting talks and Irving
Kloty gave three on proteins. He seems very impressed with the theory according to students
who have asked him. He mentioned Pauling and Ambross different structures but emphasized
Pauling's helices and muscle contraction. I do not think he knows I am here.
Max Delbruck was here yesterday. I talked with him for a while. I have seen Bruce
Ames often. He is an excellent folk dancer. I went to a square dance Thursday night, but did not
particularly enjoy it. People I think consider me odd due to sandals (with socks,), short trousers,
and the beard. I get along pretty well though. It is imperative to take a lot of kidding.
I am waiting for G.H.A Clowes to come back. I probably shall not see him until Monday,
though. I wonder if he has a boat? I have not been in one yet.
I have not yet had lobster. I must b[u]y one. The cost $0.50 a pound, I think.
Oh, Crellin, it may be necessary to use spacers between the hub and the wheel. These are
washers put on the five bolts before the wheel is put on to support the wheel. If not used, you
will break wheels. You can buy them at Blair's probably or make them. Do not use makeshift
spacers. George Andrew would make them for you. Use steel rod or iron, not brass,
[here is a picture " or bolt Diameter
of a Washer]
necessary width. You must measure.
You can get advise easily.
I now have my full allotment of five roommates. We get along reasonably well, as far
as interference during waking and sleeping hours.
Oh Parents, if you come east why do you not come see me? I would like very much to
see you. Grundfest would like you to give a talk if you come to the August ACS meeting to the
Association of Scientific Workers or something. On Academic Freedom or what you will.
Lunch Calls-
Much love,