Activity Listings
- Check from LP to Deshlet-Wallick Hotel for $25.66. [Filed under LP Biographical: (Business and Financial: Bank Statements and Canceled Checks, September 1950 - December 1952), Box #4.021, Folder #21.2]
- Itinerary: Lecture at Ohio State 8 PM; leave Columbus at 9:18 PM [Filed under LP Travel: Box #1.001, Folder #1.9 and LP Speeches: 1951s.3]
- Itinerary: Phi Lambda, Ohio State University; 3 lectures; Deshler-Wallick Hotel [Filed under LP Travel: Box #1.001, Folder #1.9]
- Letter [in French] from Frederic Joliot-Curie, President of the Conseil Mondial de la Paix, to LP, RE: Tells LP that the Office of the World Council of Peace met in Geneva on January 10th and 11th. Explains the decisions they made concerning the elimination of the dangers of war. Invites LP to participate in one of their meetings and discusses its agenda. [Filed under LP Peace: (Assorted Peace Appeals. (Wo - Yo)), Box #4.017, Folder #17.5]
- Letter from G. W. Beadle to Frank H. Dickey, cc: LP RE: Thanks him for the first edition of Garrod and provides information about the cancer fellowship. [Letter from Dickey to LP January 15, 1951] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (D: Correspondence, 1951), #98.16]
- Letter from Herbert J. Biberman to LP RE: Complements LP on his book, College Chemistry. Expresses the wish that he could have such a textbook when he was a student. [Filed under LP Books 1950b.3]
- Letter from Lawson M. McKenzie, Head, Physics Branch, Department of the Navy, Office of Naval Research RE: Requests that the University of Pennsylvania be added to the list of where to send technical reports. Includes a list of selected addresses. [Filed under LP Science: (Office of Naval Research: Correspondence, Contract Status Reports and Project Status Reports, 1947-1962), Box #14.031, Folder #31.2]
- Letter from Paul H. Marston, Law Offices of Roland Maxwell, to LP RE: States that the Court has requested an accounting on the guardianship estate of Edward Crellin Pauling, minor. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (M: Correspondence, 1951), #256.2]
- Newsletter: Peace Crusader, Bulletin of the American Peace Crusade, Vol. I, No. 1. [Filed under LP Personal Safe, Drawer #2, Folder #2.039]
- Newspaper Clipping: “New Blood Extender Developed As Another Plasma Substitute”, Pasadena (California) Independent, February 8, 1951. [Filed under LP Biographical: (Scrapbooks, 1946-1950), Box #6.005, Folder #5.64]
- Photo: Linus Pauling (right) standing with Edward Mack, Jr. (left). Columbus, Ohio. “Edward Mack Jr and Linus Pauling Columbus Ohio Feb. 8, 1951” Photographer unknown. Black and white print. [Ship #1665] [Filed under LP Photo Box: 1951i.10]