Activity Listings
- Bill from the Apothecary Shop of the Thatcher Medical Building to LP for $1.81. Handwritten note: “Pd.” [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: (Assorted Bills, Receipts and Invoices, 1951-1962.), Box #4.060, Folder #60.1]
- Check from AHP to Walter Fritts for $48.00. [Filed under LP Biographical: (Business and Financial: Bank Statements and Canceled Checks, September 1950-December 1952), Box #4.021, Folder #21.2]
- Itinerary: American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia [Filed under LP Travel: Box #1.001, Folder 1.8]
- Letter from Alden H. Emery, Secretary of the American Chemical Society, to the Eceutive Committee, Board of Directors of the American Chemical Society, RE: Attaches a letter from Ralph Spitzer dated October 2nd and discusses their belief in the free interchange of scientific information, but gives reasons why Spitzer’s letter should not be used to support these opinions. Asks for their opinions about publishing the letter. [Letter from Volwiler to Emery, November 8, 1950] [Filed under LP Personal Safe, Drawer #1, Folder #1.032]
- Letter from Alden H. Emery, Secretary, American Chemical Society, to Executive Committee, Board of Directors, American Chemical Society, RE: Requests the board’s approval to change the nomination deadline for American Chemical Society awards from July 1 to June 1 in order to lengthen the voting time. [Letter from Warner to Emery, November 3, 1950] [Filed under LP Science: (American Chemical Society: Correspondence, 1950-1964), Box #14.006, Folder #6.3]
- Letter from Beatrice Wulf, Executive Secretary, Gates and Crellin Laboratories, to Dr. George W. Moersch, Research Laboratories, Parke, Davis & Co., RE: On behalf of LP, thanks him for the letter and informs him that the plans detailed in the letter are satisfactory. States that LP looks forward to his visit and that AHP will most likely accompany him on the trip. States that they will contact him at a later date regarding the trip from Detroit to Urbans. Informs him that they will send him publicity material and an abstract in advance. [Letter from Moersch to LP, October 9, 1950] [Filed under LP Speeches: 1951s.7]
- Letter from Beatrice Wulf, Executive Secretary, Gates and Crellin Laboratories, to Frances V. Benner, American Chemical Society, RE: Thanks her on the behalf of LP for the proposed itineraries and writes that either schedule would be satisfactory. Writes that LP has yet to receive an invitation from the Ames, Iowa section, but it is likely that he would be willing to speak there, and he has already agreed to speak at the South Dakota Academy of Science. [Letter from Benner to LP, October 5, 1950, Letter from Benner to LP, November 17, 1950] [Filed under LP Science: (American Chemical Society: Correspondence, 1950-1964), Box #14.006, Folder #6.3]
- Letter from George H. Coleman, Kresge-Hooke Scientific Library, Wayne University, to LP RE: Agrees with LP that he should choose another subject than serological phenomena because several of their members attended the Cancer Research Conference last year and heard LP speak on this subject. Discusses the manuscript and other materials that they need from LP before the actual event. [Letters from Coleman to LP, October 16, 1950 and November 13, 1950] [Filed under LP Speeches: 1951s.7]
- Letter from R. Paris, Faculty of Science, University of Lyon, to LP RE: States that he is just finishing the French translation of General Chemistry and he thinks that he can give the manuscript to the editor of DUNOD in a few days. Lists corrections. [Filed under LP Books: 1947b6.2]
- Note from G. P. Duyer to LP RE: Gives his experiential results and discusses Dwyer’s findings. Discusses related scientific matters. [Letter from LP to Dwyer, January 18, 1951] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (D: Correspondence, 1951), #98.16]
- Technical Report: “Thermochemistry of Organic Sulfur and Halogen Compounds,” Office of Naval Research, London. [Filed under LP Books: 1960b6.3]