Activity Listings
- Bill from Edward A Wopschall, Inc. Painting Contractors for Painting. Payment $500.00. Note on side: Pd. Feb 16, 1949 AHP [LP Biographical: Business and Financial 4.059, folder 59.3]
- Informational Memorandum # 3 by the Ford Foundation. RE: Outlines the study committee, its members, purpose, and questions to be answered. 19 copies. [Filed under LP Science: Ford Foundation, 1949-1972: Box #14.012 Folder #12.1]
- Letter from Alden H. Emery, Executive Secretary, to Dr. Floyd Tyson, Temple University, and Dr. C. H. Fisher, Philadelphia Section. RE: Asks if they are wiling to represent the ACS at the UNESCO meeting. [Filed under LP Science: American Chemical Society, 1943-1949: Box #14.004 Folder #4.2]
- Letter from Alden H. Emery, Executive Secretary, to Executive Committee, Board of Directors. RE: Informs them of two changes proposed in the rules governing the Paul-Lewis Laboratories Award. [Filed under LP Science: American Chemical Society, Materials re: Awards and Committees, 1944-1949: Box #14.009 Folder #9.9]
- Letter from Alden H. Emery, Executive Secretary, to Members of the Priestly Medal Committee. RE: Attaches the nomination of the nominated individuals. Encloses a ballot. [Filed under LP Science: American Chemical Society: Materials re: Committees and Awards, 1944-1949: Box #14.010 Folder #10.6]
- Letter from Beatrice Wulf, to Mr. Stack. RE: Encloses a short abstract of LP's talk which he will be giving in March. [Filed under LP Science: American Chemical Society: Correspondence, 1948-1949: Box #14.004 Folder #4.2]
- Letter from Bright Wilson, to LP. RE: Will be glad to attend dinner on February 11th. [Filed under LP Science: Ford Foundation, 1949-1972: Box #14.012 Folder #12.1]
- Letter from E. Bright Wilson, to Charles C. Lauritsen, CIT. RE: Gives suggestions for the Ford Foundation. [Filed under LP Science: Ford Foundation, 1949-1972: Box #14.012 Folder #12.1]
- Letter from H. Mark, Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, to LP. RE: Thanks him for his letter. Informs him that he will be late to the dinner on February 11th. Gives his opinion of the Ford Foundation. [Filed under LP Science: Ford Foundation, 1949-1972: Box #14.012 Folder #12.1]
- Letter from LP to Dr. Lars Onsager, Yale University. RE: Informs him that Professor C. C. Lauritsen represents the natural sciences on the Advisory Committee to the Trustees of the Ford Foundation. Is helping him in preparing a survey. Informs him of the types of questions the Committee is considering. Would appreciate general comments about the listed general questions. Lists further questions. Requests that he respond quickly. [Filed under LP Science: Ford Foundation, 1949-1972: Box #14.012 Folder #12.1]
- Letter from LP to Dr. Lars Onsager, Yale University. RE: Invites him to attend a dinner in New York on February 11th to discuss the Ford Foundation policy. [Filed under LP Science: Ford Foundation, 1949-1972: Box #14.012 Folder #12.1]
- Letter from LP to Dr. Lewis G. Longsworth, Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research. RE: Informs him that Professor C. C. Lauritsen represents the natural sciences on the Advisory Committee to the Trustees of the Ford Foundation. Is helping him in preparing a survey. Informs him of the types of questions the Committee is considering. Would appreciate general comments about the listed general questions. Lists further questions. Requests that he respond quickly. [Filed under LP Science: Ford Foundation, 1949-1972: Box #14.012 Folder #12.1]
- Letter from LP to Dr. Lewis G. Longsworth, Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research. RE: Invites him to a dinner in New York on February 11th to discuss Ford Foundation policy. [Filed under LP Science: Ford Foundation, 1949-1972: Box #14.012 Folder #12.1]
- Letter from LP to Dr. Victor K. LaMer, Columbia University. RE: Informs him that Professor C. C. Lauritsen represents the natural sciences on the Advisory Committee to the Trustees of the Ford Foundation. Is helping him in preparing a survey. Informs him of the types of questions the Committee is considering. Would appreciate general comments about the listed general questions. Lists further questions. Requests that he respond quickly. [Filed under LP Science: Ford Foundation, 1949-1972: Box #14.012 Folder #12.1]
- Letter from LP to Dr. Victor K. LaMer, Columbia University. RE: Invites him to a dinner in New York on February 11th to discuss Ford Foundation policy. [Filed under LP Science: Ford Foundation, 1949-1972: Box #14.012 Folder #12.1]
- Letter to LP from G.K. Rollefson, Editor, Annual Review of Physical Chemistry RE: Regrets that LP will be unable to prepare the requested section, but understands the constraints upon his time. [Letter from LP to Rollefson January 26, 1949] [LP Correspondence: Box #11.19, file:(Annual Review of Physical Chemistry, 1947-1949, 1969, 1976)]
- Manuscript Notes, Calculations RE: “Cis Configuration in Carotenoids” [Filed under LP Science: Assorted Materials re: Structural Chemistry, 1928-1968: Box #1.002 Folder #2.8]
- Photostatic negative of an Assay Report from the Smith-Emery Company, for Marie Dyramid. [Filed under LP Science: American Chemical Society: Materials re: Committees and Awards, 1938-1950: Box #14.008 Folder # 8.12]
- Telegram from D. A. Macinnes, to LP. RE: Will be pleased to attend the dinner on February 11th. [Filed under LP Science: Ford Foundation, 1949-1972: Box #14.012 Folder #12.1]
- Telegram from L. P. Hammett, Columbia University, to LP. RE: Can attend the dinner and meeting on February 11th. [Filed under LP Science: Ford Foundation, 1949-1972: Box #14.012 Folder #12.1]
- Telegram from Raymond E. Kirk, to LP. RE: Pleased to join in the dinner and discussion about the Ford Foundation on February 11th. [Filed under LP Science: Ford Foundation, 1949-1972: Box #14.012 Folder #12.1]
- Telegram from W. A. Noyes, Jr., to LP. RE: Will try to attend meeting New York on February 11th. [Filed under LP Science: Ford Foundation, 1949-1972: Box #14.012 Folder #12.1]
- Writes cheque to “AS Greene Co. Dromite & chair? $227.17 [LP Biographical: Business and Financial 4.073, folder 73.6]