Activity Listings
- Copy of a letter from Dr. Arthur F. Coca, Journal of Immunology, to Dr. David Pressman, The Sloan-Kettering Institute, RE: Proposes a new title for the article that Pressman has submitted for publication. [Letter from Pressman to LP November 19, 1947] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #309.7, file:(Pressman, David)]
- Letter from Beatrice Wulf, LP's Secretary to Dr. Otto Beeck RE: Informs him that LP would be glad to show Dr. Hageman around the labs. [Letter from Beeck to LP October 28, 1947] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #37.14, file:(B: Correspondence 1947)]
- Letter from Dr. William F. Giauque, Department of Chemistry, UC Berkeley, to LP RE: Thanks LP for sending him a copy of his General Chemistry text. Comments on the book, mentioning the notes and the quality of the illustrations. Sends criticisms and corrections as well. (Notes in top margin: “Mr. Freeman - please return!” “Thanks - Delightful F”) [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #136.8, file:(Giauque, William F.)]
- Letter from E. T. Bell to LP RE: Invites him to a dinner on November 8th to discuss matters of policy for the Southern California chapter for the National Academy of the Sciences. (Note in pencil: “Answered no. sent letter.”) [Letter from Beatrice Wulf to Bell] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #37.14, file:(B: Correspondence 1947)]
- Letter from LP to Colin B. Cowen RE: LP is pleased to accept the invitation to speak before the St. Andrews University Chemical Society and believes that it will be possible to arrange this for next Spring. [Filed under: LP Speeches, 1948s.29]
- Letter from LP to Dr. David Pressman, The Sloan-Kettering Institute, RE: Replies that he is pleased Pressman's research with Dr. Rhoads is progressing, and requests to see manuscripts when completed. Mentions that Bulman, a new graduate student, is helping him with the hapten inhibition research. Adds that his recent trips to New York for the Guggenheim meetings have been to short for him to visit Pressman. [Letters from Pressman to LP October 27, 1947, November 19, 1947] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #309.7, file:(Pressman, David)]
- Letter from LP to Dr. I.F. Walker, DuPont Company, RE: LP reports that he is almost certain he will be able to spend December 23rd in Wilmington. Asks for Walker's advice as to the subject of his address. [Walker's letter: October 13, 1947, Walker's reply: November 18, 1947] [Filed under: LP Speeches, 1947s.25]
- Letter from Mary E. Ray, Secretary, Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists, to Elizabeth Lowry. Thanks her for her card and the list of names to add to their mailing list. LP Peace: Box 3.005, Folder 5.3
- Letter from Secretary to LP to Marion A. Murphy, Washington University, RE: "General Chemistry," by LP, was published by W.H. Freeman and Co. [Filed under LP Manuscripts of Books, 1947b4.6.]
- Letter from W.F. Giauque, University of California, to LP . RE: Giauque thanks LP for the copy of "General Chemistry," pointing out that he especially liked the notes in fine print and the illustrations. He points out a couple minor errors. [Filed under LP Manuscripts of Books, 1947b5.1]
- Letter from Walter Adams, Secretary, Inter-University Council for Higher Education in the Colonies, to LP RE: Informs him that Dr. Eberhardt, who LP recommended, was not selected for the position at the University College of the West Indies. [Letter from LP to Eberhardt August 14, 1947, from Eberhardt to LP December 14, 1947] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #106.3, file:(Eberhardt, William H., 1946, 1947, 1949-1951, 1953, 1955-1956, 1961-1963, 1971, 1981, 1983, 1991)]
- Manuscript: No Title, [re: loyalty oaths and un-American activities] Pasadena Conference on Human Rights, Scott Methodist Church, California. [Filed under: LP Speeches, 1947s.20]
- letter from W.H. Freeman, W.H. Freeman and Co., to John Behnke, Harvard University, cc LP, RE: Freeman has spoken to LP about a more elementary chemistry text for the series, and Freeman is interested in Bricker, a scientist proposed by Behnke. He intends to ask LP's opinion of the man as a possibility. [Filed under LP Manuscripts of Books, 1947b6.1]