"Chemical Achievement, and Hope for the Future." Page 1. October 15, 1947
"Chemical Achievement, and Hope for the Future." October 15, 1947. Page 1  Larger Images / More Information. 30 pp.  View Transcript

Activity Listings

  • Letter from Colin B. Cowen to LP RE: Invites LP to lecture at ST. Andrews while he is visiting Oxford. Explains that the Society normally meets on Friday evenings at 5 pm but that arrangements can be flexible. [Filed under: LP Speeches, 1948s.29]
  • Letter from Dr. E. Schlittler, Vereinigung Zur Organisation Naturwissenschaftlicher Vorträge to LP RE: Says that they would like LP to come lecture for the “Basler Chemische Gesellschaft” during his winter break at Oxford, gives the dates they meet, welcomes other suggestions, says he could help him get in touch with people in Berne and Zurich so he could do a lecture tour there, tells about their Chemical Society, and asks him to accept. [Letter from LP to Schlittler October 31, 1947] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Oxford University, [re: Eastman professorship and residency in Oxford] 1946-1948), #299.8]
  • Letter from Dr. Robert Ballentine to LP RE: Informs him of matters at Columbia University and discusses details of two manuscripts on amino acid end group analysis and cyanide solubility. [Letter from LP to Ballentine December 5, 1947] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #37.14, file:(B: Correspondence 1947)]
  • Letter from I.F. Walker, DuPont Company, to LP RE: Accepts LP's offer for him to visit the Experimental Station for a day and address the technical seminar on either December 22 or 23. Asks what LP's proposes the subject of the talk will be. [LP's reply: October 30, 1947] [Filed under: LP Speeches, 1947s.25]
  • Letter from Leah R. McCune (Mrs. F. K McCune) to Dr. Harold Urey. Shares that as the program chairman of her Women's Study Club, she has the responsibility of selecting subjects they are to discuss, and this week she has chosen the topic of "The Army Taken Over" and will be using articles from the September issue of The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. Also encloses a donation, which is to be used to send The Bulletin to the Erie Pa. Public Library. [Letter from Ray to McCune, September 11, 1947, Letter from Ray to McCune, October 24, 1947] LP Peace: Box 3.005, Folder 5.5
  • Letter from Sioek deVries-Dÿkhuis, Holland, to AHP RE: Thanks AHP for the package and shares news regarding the expectant birth of their child in November as well as the return of husband from his studies in England in November. [Filed under AHP General Correspondence, Personal, N-Z: Box #1.002, Folder #2.2]
  • Statement of The Scientific Sessions of The National Academy of Sciences, by Fred E. Wright. [Filed under LP Science: National Academy of Sciences, 1945-1951: Box #14.019 Folder #19.2]
  • Telegraph: LP at Mrs. Horton Briggs, South Merchantville, NJ [Filed under LP Travel Materials: 1932-1954: Box #1.001 Folder #1.6]
  • Unsolved problems of structural chemistry. [Acceptance address for the Theodore William Richards Medal 1947, awarded by the Northeastern Section of the American Chemical Society] Chem. Eng. News 25 (October 1947): 2970-2974. Written by: LP. [Filed under: LP Publications, 1947p.3]
  • Writes cheque to "Morton Briggs," $30.00. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Finance, Box 4.018, Folder 18.2]