Activity Listings
- Letter from Dr. Neil E. Gordon, Chemistry Department, Wayne University, to LP RE: Regrets that LP will be unable to attend the Forum, and asks permission to put LP's name on the schedule for 1948. [Letter from LP to Gordon November 1, 1943] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #140.10, file:(G: Correspondence, 1946)]
- Letter from Edmund W. Sinnott to LP RE: Is sorry to learn that LP will not be in New Haven for the convocation on October 17th, but understands how essential it is for him to begin his Oxford Professorship at the beginning of the term. Offers a variety of alternatives for LP in hopes that he may be able to attend and asks that he reply as soon as possible. [LP's letter: November 6, 1946, LP's reply: November 13, 1946] [Filed under: LP Speeches, 1947s.19]
- Letter from LP to Prof. Arthur B. Lamb, Editor, JACS, RE: Suggests that Lamb consider having Dr. Verner Schomaker referee papers on electron diffraction, as LP considers him to be the foremost expert in electron diffraction and more qualified than LP himself to comment on such papers. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #191.1, file:(Journal of the American Chemical Society)]
- Letter from R. K. Summerbell, Chairman, Jury of the Willard Gibbs Medal Award, to Members of the Jury. RE: Informs them of the top four nominees on the ballot. Encloses a ballot. [Filed under LP Science: American Chemical Society: Materials re: Committees and Awards, 1948-1951, 1967: Box #14.010 Folder #10.7]
- Letter from S.E. Eaton, Arthur D. Little, Inc., to the Gentlemen at the Pennex Corporation, cc: Mr. G.A. Richter, Dr. H.M. Chadwell, Dr. R.D. Evans, Dr. A.B. Lamb, LP, and Mr. E.T. Anderson. Encloses a copy of their Progress Report No. 7 covering the period from September 20th - 11 8th. LP Safe: Drawer 2, Folder 2.010
- Letter from Sidney Q. Janus to David E. Lilienthal, Chairman of United States Atomic Energy Commission, RE: Writes about the need to control atomic energy. [Letter from Sidney Q. Janus to Eric A. Johnston November 8, 1946, Letter from Sidney Q. Janus to Dr. Albert Einstein November 19, 1946] [Filed under LP Peace Section: (Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists – Correspondence: H-K, 1946-1948) Box #3.004, Folder 4.7]
- Letter from Victor Skoglund to LP RE: Thanks LP for the previous reply, and asks LP's opinion on the chemical reactions of human proteins, and if LP considers life to be only a very complicated chemical reaction. [Letter from LP to Mr. Victor Skoglund November 19, 1946] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (S: Correspondence, 1946), #377.16]
- Note from Regina Hess to Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists, RE: Encloses a list of donors to the committee. [Note from Regina Hess to Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists November 8, 1946, Letter from Regina Hess to Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists November 18, 1946] [Filed under LP Peace: (Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists – Correspondence: H-K, 1946-1948) Box #3.004, Folder 4.1]
- Writes cheque to “Athenaeum. 2 months” $15.96 [LP Biographical: Business and Financial 4.073, folder 73.5]
- Writes cheque to “S. Counties Gas Co” $4.39 [LP Biographical: Business and Financial 4.073, folder 73.5]