Saturday morning
[postmark on envelope reads: Nov. 23, 1946]
Dear love: I'm off in a few minutes to the Guggenheim meeting. Yesterday was a fine day. Warren Weaver looks very well - I saw him both before and after noon. He is unable to stay upright at night or with his eyes closed, and he weaves a bit as he walks. The Infantile Paralysis people also were very friendly. Warren said that he thinks that they want to do the whole job, and that he will encourage them; otherwise the R.Fn will help out. Also the two together will give us about $130,000 for 1946-7, while the big decisions are being made.
Luiy came at 6, and we had a Pizza on 48th St., and then went to the Mirsky's. Reba gave us some tea, with cheesecake for Luiy. Alfred says that Cori is without any doubt the leading chemical physiologist or biochemist in the
[at the lower border of the page: cable address "barbplaza . . . . telephone Circle 7-7000 ]
[page 2 is continued on the next sheet]
country, or that Gasser [sp ?] is trying to get him. Perhaps I'll drop a note to him. Also we should perhaps get Erwin Brand.
A strange thing happened yesterday. Henry showed me a set of wonderful photographs made be an applicant, Wayne Miller, of people along the street at Roosevelt's funeral, and I began to cry! Perhaps I'm not quite over the physical experiences of the last month. Of course, the emotional effect of that funeral was very great.
Henry is going to take us on a ride to his farm in Connecticutt on Sunday, April 28.
Love from
[at the lower border of the page: cable address "barbplaza . . . . telephone Circle 7-7000 ]
[an envelope is included, addressed to: Mrs. Ava Helen Pauling 3500 Fairpoint St. Pasadena 8, Calif. AIR MAIL With an air mail stamp for 8¢ mailed from New York, N.Y.]