Letter from Linus Pauling to Reuben E. Wood. Page 1. August 6, 1945
Letter from Linus Pauling to Reuben E. Wood. August 6, 1945. Page 1  Larger Images / More Information. 1 p.  View Transcript

Activity Listings

  • Inter-Department memo from Prof. Don Yost, Department of Chemistry at Cal Tech to LP RE: Rejects offer to take LP's place teaching a course in chemistry and physics in Spain, as he is sympathetic to the Spanish people, but holds the conviction that “the policies of the present Spanish government are far from consistent with the freedom of science or people,” and doesn't wish to give the course in Spain at this time. Handwritten note at the bottom reads, “you may quote me to the ambassador.” [Letter from de Cardenas to LP July 31, 1945, letter from LP to de Cardenas August 27, 1945] [Filed under LP Correspondence: 460.3]
  • Letter from LP to Dr. J. W. Williams, Department of Chemistry, The University of Wisconsin RE: Replies that the only man they have available right now working in the field of immunochemistry is Dr. George G. Wright, gives his educational background, abilities and personality, gives the name of another man they might be interested in but might not change his job as Dr. Stanley Swingle. Gives educational and research history, reports Frank Lanni as another man they might be interested in even though he is still a graduate student, and gives educational and research history as well as abilities. [Letter from Williams to LP July 6, 1945] [Filed under LP Correspondence: 438.1]
  • Office of Scientific Research and Development Receipt of Classified Material from W.C. Lothrop to LP. Acknowledges LP's receipt of Copy 8 of the Minutes of the 15th Meeting on the Defense Committee on 8/7/45 by W.C. LP Safe: Drawer 2, Folder 2.010
  • Teletype Message from B. H. Sage to WV Houston RE: requests the opinion of WV Houston on the Texaco issue. [Filed under California Institute of Technology: Research-related materials, 1944-1956: Box #1.028, Folder 28.2]
  • Writes cheque to "National Academy of Sciences," $10.00. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial, Box 4.017, Folder 17.3]