Letter from Linus Pauling to Richard Dodson. Page 1. August 2, 1945
Letter from Linus Pauling to Richard Dodson. August 2, 1945. Page 1  Larger Images / More Information. 2 pp.  View Transcript

Activity Listings

  • Bound Research Report, Correspondence, Memoranda: “Unclassified Report on a Proposed Nuclear Service Plant for the California Institute of Technology”, prepared by The Advisory Committee on Nuclear Matters appointed August 1945, by Linus Pauling, Chairman, Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. [Filed under California Institute of Technology: Committee on Sponsored Research, 1962; other research-related materials, 1945: Box #1.027, Folder 27.5]
  • Letter from Juan F. de Cardenas, Spanish Ambassador to LP RE: Invites LP to Spain to give a course on chemistry and physics, explains it as a means of encouraging closer cultural cooperation between their governments and research. Explains that the Spanish Institute of Scientific Research would take care of all expenses, and in the event that his work prevents his travel, they would welcome some of his associates designated by him to take his place. Two copies of letter, second one handwritten note at top which reads, “Don - Would you be interested?” [Letter from Yost to LP August 8, 1945, letter from LP to de Cardenas August 27, 1945] [Filed under LP Correspondence: 460.3]
  • Letter from Julia A. Noonan, Secretary, Committee on Jayne Lectures, to Members of the American Philosophical Society. RE: Informs him that the 1944 Jayne Memorial Lectures will be issued in pamphlet form in the near future. Asks that he indicate on the enclosed card if he wishes them to send him a copy. [Filed under LP Science: American Philosophical Society, 1936-1963, 1989, 1991: Box #14.011 Folder #11.1]
  • Memo from A.H. Walter to LP, cc: W.R. Scott, A. Townsend, and Files. Attaches a copy of a letter of transmittal. Provides the details for the Subcontract in OSRD form and parallel to the Prime Contract. LP Safe: Drawer 2, Folder 2.010
  • Memorandum from Henry Allen Moe, Secretary General. RE: Concerns post-Service Fellowships. [Filed under LP Science: John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, 1925-1945: Box #14.013 Folder #13.19]
  • Telegram from Dr. Reuben Wood, Maryland Research Laboratories to LP RE: Thanks him for his offer, says that he and his explosives man will write them tomorrow as they work there until September and presumes that an immediate decision is not urgent. [Telegram from LP to Wood July 20, 1945, letter from Wood to LP August 2, 1945] [Filed under LP Correspondence: 438.7]
  • Writes cheque to “Nat Ac Sci” $10.00 [LP Biographical: Business and Financial 4.073, folder 73.3]