Letter from Linus Pauling to Edward Condon. Page 1. August 14, 1945
Letter from Linus Pauling to Edward Condon. August 14, 1945. Page 1  Larger Images / More Information. 1 p.  View Transcript

Activity Listings

  • Letter from M. H. Averson, Chairman, Jury of the Willard Gibbs Award, to LP. RE: Requests him of present his nomination for the Award. Encloses a stamped addressed envelope, a list of past recipients, and two voting sheets. Requests that his nomination be returned within two weeks. [Filed under LP Science: American Chemical Society: Materials re: Committees and Awards, 1948-1951, 1967: Box # 14.010 Folder #10.7]
  • Report # 5-1: "Determination of Growth Substances in Secret Inks," by G.W. Beadle and H.K. Mitchell, Stanford University, cc: Dr. Harris M. Chadwell, OSRD; Mr. George A. Richter, Eastman Kodak Co.; and CIT files. LP Safe: Drawer 3, Folder 3.013