Letter from Linus Pauling to S.S. Prentiss. Page 1. July 27, 1944
Letter from Linus Pauling to S.S. Prentiss. July 27, 1944. Page 1  Larger Images / More Information. 2 pp.  View Transcript

Activity Listings

  • Letter from LP to Dr. T. B. Potter, Commercial Solvents Corporation. RE: Informs him of the safe receipt of the one million units of penicillin. [Filed under LP Science: Assorted LP War Work, 1940-1946: Box #13.006 Folder #6.5]
  • Letter from LP to Dr. Thomas Addis RE: Reports that Kaymen was not fired for his political affiliations but it seems that he may have been leaking secrets regarding his work in the lab. Also mentions that he has written Dr. Joseph T. Wearn about the blood substitute work. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #2.1, file:(Addis, Thomas 1940-1945)]
  • Letter from LP to Dr. William Shultz, Bacteriology Dept., Stanford University, RE: Describes the relevant education and experience of Mrs. Ruth Bolton at Caltech under Prof. A. J. Haagen-Smit, and believes her to be satisfactory in a scientific organization. Handwritten at the bottom: “Also save letter To Whom It May Concern.” [Filed under LP Correspondence: (S: Correspondence, 1944), #377.14]
  • Letter from LP to Edward C. Barrett RE: Requests revisions to be made to the immunochemistry fund for 1943-44. Outlines directions of how and where money is to be charged for certain events. [Filed under LP Biographical: Academia, California Institute of Technology: Assorted Financial Materials: 1930-1950: Box #1.031, Folder 31.2]
  • Letter from W. F. Durand, National Research Council to LP RE :Requesting LP check off any subjects on the enclosed list that he feels are not adequately represented in the National Academy membership and any candidates he feels suitable for membership under the field of applied mathematics. [Filed under LP Science: National Research Council, 1925-1950: Box #14.027 Folder #27.4]
  • List of the Members of the National Academy of Sciences. [Filed under LP Science: National Academy of Sciences, 1939-1944: Box #14.018 Folder #18.3]
  • Memo from LP to WR Stott RE: Requests changes to the provisional budget enclosed. [Filed under LP Biographical: Academia, California Institute of Technology: Assorted Financial Materials: 1930-1950: Box #1.031, Folder 31.2]