Linus, Ava Helen, Crellin and Linda Pauling. Picture. 1944
Linus, Ava Helen, Crellin and Linda Pauling. 1944. Picture  Larger Images / More Information.

Activity Listings

  • Letter from Lloyd Spencer, Patent Counsel, California Institute of Technology, to S. S. Prentiss. RE: Invention Records-Reuben Wood OSRD 493, 494, 495, corresponding to Navy Cases 3976, 3977, 3978. Answers questions that were raised in the May 16th letter. [Filed under LP Science: Scientific War Work - Materials re: the Pauling Oxygen Meter, 1940-1947: Box #13.001 Folder #1.1]
  • Letter from S. S. Prentiss, Technical Aide, National Defense Research Committee, to LP. RE: Would like status of invention reports for contracts NDCrc-38, NDCrc-200, OEMsr-326, and OEMsr-584. Has requested that Lloyd Spencer give LP assistance. Attaches five copies of the Record of Invention form. [Filed under LP Science: Scientific War Work - Materials re: the Pauling Oxygen Meter, 1940-1947: Box #13.001 Folder #1.1]
  • Letter from W. O. Bradbury B. Lansill and Tsgt. Ralph D. Brophy, USMC, to Cal Tech RE: Request information on aircraft oxygen. (Notes under text: “I have nothing on this. LP” “Dr. Detlev W. Bronk, Univ. of Pa.” [Letter from LP to Lansill and Brophy July 25, 1944] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #230.10, file:(L: Correspondence, 1944)]