Linus, Ava Helen, Crellin and Linda Pauling. Picture. 1944
Linus, Ava Helen, Crellin and Linda Pauling. 1944. Picture  Larger Images / More Information.

Activity Listings

  • Letter from J.W. Edwards, Edwards Brothers Inc. to LP, RE: Edwards says that to print 500 copies of LP's 15 page paper would cost $55.00. He requests that LP send a clean, unfolded copy of the paper to photograph. [Filed under LP Manuscripts of Books, 1947b5.8]
  • Letter from O. R. Brunkow, Commercial Solvents Corporation, to LP. RE: Pleased to have the opportunity to ship one million units of penicillin to him. Feels sure that he will find the product satisfactory. [Filed under LP Science: Assorted LP War Work, 1940-1946: Box #13.006 Folder #6.5]
  • Note from Dr. Thomas Addis to LP RE: Reports that they are making progress despite lack of funding and staffing, and that he still has hope that A. N. Richards will follow through and provide funding. Mentions that he has done quite a bit of crusading in relation to the treatment of glomerular nephritis and still has plans to write the book, just as soon as he has the time. (Letter from LP to Dr. Addis July 5, 1944) [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #2.1, file:(Addis, Thomas 1940-1945)]
  • Writes cheque to "Argosy Book Stores," $7.50. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial, Box 4.017, Folder 17.2]