Note to Self by Linus Pauling. Page 1. October 25, 1943
Note to Self by Linus Pauling. October 25, 1943. Page 1  Larger Images / More Information. 1 p.

Activity Listings

  • Letter from LP to Dr. Norris W. Rakestraw, Editor, Journal of Chemical Education, RE: Regrets that he has no more copies of his chemistry text, but mentions that they may print more mimeographed versions for coming freshman classes. Notes that he may publish a finished version in the future. [Letter from Rakestraw to LP October 21, 1943] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #191.4, file:(Journal of Chemical Education)]
  • Letter from LP to J.W. Edwards, Edwards Brothers, Inc., RE: LP would like to know if the quotation of NaN, Decestill applies, and if it doesn't, what the cost of preparing 500 or 700 copies or his book "General Chemistry" would be. [Filed under LP Manuscripts of Books, 1947b6.3]
  • Letter from Victor Reynolds, Cornell University Press, to LP. RE: Telling LP that he has been appointed the new manager at the Press, and that he hopes they can meet in person sometime soon. But that immediately he writes to find out if they can make 2,000 copies of the chemistry book for the fall. And asks for any revisions. [Filed under: LP Manuscripts of Books, 1939b.2]
  • Note [author unknown]: “Two weeks ago, as Linda, and Crellin (age 6) and I were riding to school, I asked Crellin, “How many days are there in September?” For a minute he said nothing - I repeated the question, and he said “I'm figuring it out”, and then, a few seconds later, “Sixty”. I said “why do you say ‘sixty'?”, to which he answered “Well- ‘Thirty days half September' - if half of September is thirty days, September is sixty days.” [Written at bottom of page: “Aunt's pay”.] [Filed under LP Biographical: Personal & Family, Family Correspondence: Edward Crellin Pauling. 1930-1995, No Date: Box #5.048, Folder 48.2]