Activity Listings
- Letter from LP To Gustav Albrecht RE: Asks him to ask George Newell to come to Pasadena to see LP and Professor Dickinson. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #4.1, file:(Albrecht, Gustav 1939-1964)]
- Letter from LP to M.M. Boring, General Electric Company RE: Replies that Dr. S. Weinbaum worked for him about ten years as Research Assistant and did his doctoral research under LP's direction, and describes Weinbaum's work and abilities, as well as personality and family. [Letter from Boring to LP March 18, 1943] [Filed under LP Correspondence: 443.11]
- Memorandum from J. P. Youtz, to LP. RE: Settles a point in raised in the letter of March 2nd. [Filed under LP Science: Scientific War Work - Materials re: the Pauling Oxygen Meter, 1942-1950: Box #13.002 Folder #2.1]
- Note RE: A system for investigating antibodies with different ends. [Filed under: RNB 17R: Addendum]
- Offprint: Memorandum of Agreement for Contract No. OEMsr-881, Symbol No. 2146. Outline of the contract between the Office of Scientific Research and Development and CIT. Handwritten note by LP: "NDRC Chem 13." LP Safe: Drawer 2, Folder 2.007
- Writes cheque to “Brentano's? Sertes' book” $8.00 [LP Biographical: Business and Financial 4.072, folder 72.3]