"A General Method of Making Antibodies (Antitoxins, Immune Sera, Precipitins, Agglutinins) Outside of the Animal Body." Page 1. May 19, 1941
"A General Method of Making Antibodies (Antitoxins, Immune Sera, Precipitins, Agglutinins) Outside of the Animal Body." May 19, 1941. Page 1  Larger Images / More Information. 2 pp.  View Transcript

Activity Listings

  • Lecture notes for Freshman Chemistry Lecture: Chemistry of Fe, Co, Ni. Properties of Complex cyanides. [Filed under LP Biographical: Academia: Box 1.012, Folder 12.6]
  • Letter from Dr. William H. Jones, Department of Chemistry, Emory University, RE: Regrets he will be unable to begin the fellowship in August as he has already committed to teach during the summer session from June 16th through August 29th at Emory. States he will arrive at Cal Tech on September 1st. [Letters from LP to Jones May 16, 1941, May 26, 1941] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #192.8, file:(J: Correspondence, 1941)]
  • Letter from Sir W. L. Bragg to LP RE: Requests a confidential assessment of H.H. Herd from Cal Tech for a position involving war research in England. Mentions that he is in Ottawa as a liaison between scientists in Canada and England. [Letter from LP to Bragg May 29, 1941] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #30.1, file:(Bragg, W.L.: Correspondence, 1927-1962)]
  • Record of LP's diet while ill with nephritis. Breakfast: ½ cantaloupe, 2 shredded wheat, ½ c milk, 12 c cream, 4 T cream, 4 t sugar, 1 sq butter, 2 c coffee / Lunch: 2 c eggnog, 1 ½ c lemonade, 1 chocolate bar / Dinner: 1 c milk, 10 sl cucumber, 2/3 c cabbage, 1 c chocolate pudding [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #3.1, file:(Record of LP's diet while ill with nephritis kept by Ava Helen Pauling, 1941-1942.)]
  • Writes cheque to "S. Calif. Edison Co.," $14.00. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial, Box 4.016, Folder 16.1]
  • Writes cheque to “S. Calif. Ed. Co. Electricity” $14.00 [LP Biographical: Business and Financial 4.072, folder 72.2]