Lecture notes for the class "The Structure of Crystals," Ch 227a, California Institute of Technology. September 23 - November 12, 1940. Page 1
Larger Images / More Information. 16 pp.
Activity Listings
- Letter from LP to Arthur B. Lamb, Editor, Journal of the American Chemical Society. RE: Submits for publication four papers dealing with cytochrome by Theorell and Akesson. Is of the opinion that they should be published. [Filed under LP Science: American Chemical Society Correspondence, 1925-1942: Box #14.002 Folder #2.5]
- Letter from LP to Prof. Hugo Theorell, Medicinska Nobelinstitutet, Biokemiska Avdelningen, RE: Mentions a number of changes to the manuscript that he and Prof. John T. Edsall feel should be made. States he has entered it for publication in the Journal of the American Chemical Society. Describes a plan for reprints. [Letters from Prof. Hugo Theorell to LP August 20, 1940, October 22, 1940, telegram October 1, 1940] [Filed under LP Correspondence: #407.2]