Activity Listings
- Letter from Dr. Hugo Theorell, Medicinska Nobelinstitutet, Biokemiska Avdelningen, to LP RE: Discusses the finer points of his research regarding ferric compounds and requests LP have them published in a journal. States he is sending multiple copies of the papers, says LP can change them as he wishes, and not to send the papers back because of the huge delay in correspondence. [Letters from LP to Dr. Hugo Theorell January 26, 1940, September 26, 1940] [Filed under LP Correspondence: #407.2]
- Letter from Edward C. Barrett, Comptroller, C. I. T. to LP RE: Enclosed statement showing expenditures from the Rockefeller Fund appropriation for the past year, also a memorandum of the reallocation of certain expenses during the year in order to balance out the over-expenditure of the Chemistry Supplies and Expenses Account. [Filed under LP Science: Rockefeller Foundation, 1936-1946: Box #14.038, Folder #38.8]
- Letter from Prof. S. H. Graf, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Oregon State College, to LP RE: Replies that they have decided to accept Dalimil Kybal's application after all, and that they will “take a chance on his personality” as they have been unable to find anyone else to help Ruffner with the aeronautical work. Notes that they can let him go at the end of the year, if need be. [Letters from LP to Graf August 12, 1940, September 24, 1940] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #140.5, file:(G: Correspondence, 1940)]