Tuesday, Oct. 1, 1940.
Dearest Sweetheart:
As the result of my visit to the University of Chicago + to Thorfin I have many things to tell you. First I shall tell you that I love you and shall be happy to get back to you so that I can squeeze you. Second, that I love our sweet little children. Third, that on reaching Chicago at 9 this morning I checked my bag, walked by the Stevens Hotel over to the Illinois Central, and rode to 55
St., + then walked to Thorfin's office (He is coming on to Washington tomorrow.) He at once asked if I were coming to U. Chicago next fall. I said I know nothing about it. After considering my answer a while he swore me to secrecy + divulged that I (and 22 others) would be given honorary degrees on Sept. 29th 1941 at the the [sic] celebration of the 50th year of existence of the university. Then I went up to see Schlesinger, who told me to the same secret. At luncheon at the Ouadrangle Club Vice-President Woodward, Dean Poak, New Dean A.lt. + others made the same communication. I seem to be scheduled to speak at the chemistry symposium, the biology symposium, and the physics symposium. There are plans under way for entertaining both you + me. The only physicist is Ernest Orlando. I've been wondering whether you + I could drive to Chicago; but in view of the [?]-just at registration-I'm afraid we must go by train.
Thorfin is glad that you are well again. Phoeke had been appendix removed this summer. It was in bad shape. She is well now, but I didn't see her because she is in bed with a cold. I saw Franck, Frazer Young, Whelsoud-all of whom send regards to you. Also Schlesinger. Schlesinger + Thorfin are having some trouble (mild)
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with Franck because he wants too much room-a large room for each of his students.
Thorfin made a mysterious remark about my relation to the Berkeley department. When it drew no response he said that Frazer Young had brought back from Berkeley last week the rumor that you (indirectly) would be the next Dean [?] of the UC school of Chemistry! I said that I had been approached os far only by the janitor.
The trees in Illinois + Indiana are beautiful + green, some beginning to assume their fall colors.
Leghton was at the Chemistry bldg; he too is to attend our meeting. Then Thorfin + I saw him at the station (Thorfin drove me down in his car), and he introduced us to Mrs Leighton, saying to me "She is Susan's sister." " " seems pleasant-perhaps a bit old + wrinkled looking, they are on this train- in the car behind mine, but I haven't seen them since the minute of meeting in the station. Mrs L. Said that this is her first trip East. She is eager to see Washington.
I saw Eckart Hoyt, Mark, Weldon Brown, Dempster, Hans Geffron also, with time only to say hello.
I have bought a little paper-bound mystery story, by Dorothy Sayers, + shall read it after dinner, I think.
My bed last night was much better-a lower berth with a fine sponge-rubber mattress. They are surely good-perhaps we should get a thing one for our bed.
I adore you, darling little wife. Love from your