August 21, 1940
Mr. John S. Snyder
Educational Department
John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
440 Fourth Avenue
New York, New York
Dear Mr. Snyder:
There is indeed need for a book to be used as a text in senior and graduate courses in crystal structure. Dr. Sturdivant and I here have discussed writing one, but have put this off into the indefinite future, and I have heard that Professor Warren of M.I.T. is writing one for McGraw-Hill. Professor Zachariasen is a good man, and I would expect a book written by him to be satisfactory. The outline submitted by him seems to me to cover the field which he has selected in a satisfactory manner. The only comment which I advance is that Chapter VI, which is a very important chapter, might well be longer than forty pages.
Yours truly,
Linus Pauling