Activity Listings
- AHP writes cheque to: Marie Johnson amount $16.75 [Filed under LP Biographical: Box #4.014, Folder #2]
- LP writes cheque to: Southern California Edison Company, Ltd. amount $173.98 [Filed under LP Biographical: Box #4.014, Folder #2]
- Letter from L. A. Kimpton to LP RE: Informs LP that he is making a schedule of needs and necessities for the library and thanks LP for being interested in this work. [Filed under: K: Individual Correspondence, Box #198, Folder #198.9]
- Letter from LP to Dr. L. Michaelis RE: LP found the results Michaelis provided very interesting and asks if he would allow LP to refer these results in his new book the "Nature of the Chemical Bond." [Michaelis' letter: November 10, 1938] [Filed under: M: Individual Correspondence, Box #246, Folder #246.9]
- Letter from LP to Dr. Winstein RE: Informing Winstein that he has just heard from Jack Sherman at the Universal Oil Products Company, and that he is interested in appointing an organic chemist to their staff. LP suggests if Winstein is interested in such a position that he write to Jack immediately. [Filed under: W: Correspondence, Box #443, Folder #443.6]
- Letter from LP to G. N. Lewis RE: Is glad that he is having Zechmeister lecture at Berkeley. [Filed under: G. N. Lewis Correspondence, Box #216, Folder #216.1]
- Letter from LP to W. S. Schaefer. [Schaefer's letter November 9, 1938; Schaefer's next letter November 30, 1938] [Filed under LP Books: Box 1939b, Folder 1939b.2]
November 15, 1938
Mr. W. S. Schaefer
Cornell University Press
124 Roberts Place
Ithaca, New York
Dear Mr. Schaefer:
I am very glad indeed that my book is now in press and I am looking forward to receiving galley proofs next week. The unexpected delay of three months has caused the book to be somewhat out of date in places, and I am planning to introduce some minor revisions in order to try to correct this. I have been able to rearrange my lectures so as to begin the part in which the book will be needed in January.
Hughes joins me in sending regards to you, I hope that I you have recovered fully from your accident.
Sincerely yours,
Linus Pauling
- Letter from M. J. Buerger, Associate Professor of Mineralogy and Crystallography, to LP RE: Explains his development of tables of the parameters of the arsenopyrite group mineral and his consideration of publication of these tables. Asks LP for any help he could offer with this subject. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #33, Folder #33.4]
- Letter from W. A. Noyes to Dr. Piston RE: Noyes asks Piston to please send the three chapters to which he refers to in his last letter as soon as possible. [Filed under: N: Individual Correspondence, Box #279, Folder #279.4]
- Letter from W. A. Noyes to LP RE: Asks LP to please read the given chapters to Dr. Piston's book and give his impressions of his work. [Filed under: N: Individual Correspondence, Box #279, Folder #279.4]
- Letter from William B. Munro to LP RE: Asks LP to please send out a requisition for the equipment (needed for the storage chests) in time for the next meeting of the Building Committee so that it may be reviewed. [LP's letter: November 14, 1938] [Filed under: M: Correspondence, Box #255, Folder #255.5]