Department of Chemistry, Ithaca N.Y.
Sunday, 12 midnight.
Dearest sweet little wife of Paddy's:
I love you, my own little darling. I'm sorry today is Sunday since no letter could come from you. I've thought about you a great deal. You are my love.
I haven't told you about my wrist - I hope you haven't worried. It is much better - it still hurts, but only once in a while, and I can use my hand if I am careful.
I got up at noon today, read Time until 1, when we had Sunday dinner - chicken + dressing, ice cream. Then I came to the Lab and worked. At 4
Jack and I went to the Telluride House, where a tea was being held for Professor Dent. It lasted till 6; then we had sandwiches and I came back here to work. At 6
exactly (by my watch) I though of my little love leaving, and wished that we
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were together. I have written about 20 big pages today, and almost finished Chapter II. I'll be glad to start on a new one.
I am glad that it won't be many weeks before I come home to you, sweetheart of mine. I'm glad that you are my wife - when I'm alone I see how much happiness you bring into my life, and that I couldn't be happy alone. It seems to me that there is nothing to do that is fun without you - I haven't gone to a movie or seen the Hoards (except Lynn in the lab) or done anything except work. I need you with me, my darling. Kiss our babies for me.
Your own,