[stationery from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Physics]
Wednesday, 10 PM
Dearest little Ava Helen:
I took my paper over to Lamb today (he wasn't in) and then visited Kistiakowsky. He hasn't much money for research, and things move slowly for him. Also he says that the students show not interest- he and Oscar and Bert give a seminar, all spening much time, and only one or two students attend. He said he thought I was wise not to have accepted in 1929 and I think so too.
I have offered Wheland a half-time assistantship at $1000, by mail. I suppose he'll accept it.
Tonight I attended the undergraduate Chem Club dinner & then gave a lecture, having been introduced by Sherrill. I'll be glad when lecturing is over. Tomorrow I have 3 again.
I'm sure I have had the whooping cough. I hope you have had, too- it might not be good for Linda. I do hope you aren't kept up too much by Linus and Peter, and that they recover soon. I'm so glad that little Peter is learning so rapidly. I'll be happy to see him.
I'm sorry about Lena.
I was interested to see the clippings.
The weather has been warm here for two days, but turned cooler today. I hope it doesn't get hot again. I'd like to have a good vacation with you- to go on a trip to the desert, day. We have lots of fun when we get in a hotel room together on the way to the desert. Jean Bacher has a nicely illustrated edition of Don Juan, which I may get for us. I've never read it. Perhaps I could get some pointers on how to treat you from it. I'll think up some new tricks for your especial edification. I hope you are looking forward to them.
I've thought of an experiment that I'm going to suggest to Roscoe on returning to Pasadena. I find that he had a very good reputation as a thoroughly reliable investigator.
I love you, darling, and want to hold you tight in my arms, and get close to you. Please remember that soon I'll be home to you, in less than two weeks. You are the sweetest girl in the world, and I adore you. You have such cuter little petters.