Wednesday at 8
Dearest little sweetheart:
I was glad when you letter came yesterday to know that you are feeling well and getting along all right. Its nice that you saw the Allisons, Mullikens, and Freeds. I love you, and hope you aren't so lonesome for me as I am for you.
Yesterday morning I gave my crystal lecture at Tech, and worked till noon, and had lunch, and came home, speaking to Conant for a few minutes outside the club. I worked on tomorrow's lecture a while, and then went to Conant's Simon's lecture, and then with Joe Boyce to the party given by the physics undergraduates. A mock trial was held, with Compton as judge, but although summoned I was not brought to trial. Then we went to the Pop concert, where I sat by Vic. It was rather amusing - light music. Then I went to bed. I'm going to New Haven on Friday, and to Princeton the next week - end, to deliver two lectures. I'll be glad when my lectures here are over. I have only 4 more crystal lectures, two more extemporaneous lectures for chemists, and three more molecule lectures to give, besides one chemists lecture at Harvard and two at Princeton.
I washed my hair and bathed this morning, I'm going to wash my hair every other day for a while.
Give my love to Linus and Peter, and remember that I love you more than anything else in the world.
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Yesterday while asking Joe Boyce and Brode about cars, I said I
didn't know whether to get a 5 passenger sedan or to
look into the future and get a 7 " .