[stationery from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Physics]
Friday morning
Dearest little wife:
I love you very much. Now I shan't[sic] get a letter from you till Sunday. I am on the train now, which left at 8:30 this morning. We'll soon be in New Haven. Yesterday I gave four lectures- my three at Tech, and one more popular one at Winthrop House. I went with John at 6:30 to Ferry's house, & we had cocktails & little sandwiches (canapés is the correct word is it not?) And then dinner with about 30 persons, mainly tutors & graduate students. They seemed to like my talk, and Ferry was pleased. He asked us to be sure to come back soon & to come and see him. I went back to the Club then, & to bed after bathing. I've been reading Time & the New Yorker, & have started Grand Hotel. I'll be glad two week from now when I can start back to you, whom I love with all my heart.