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- LP Research Notebooks, RNB 08 RE: X-ray diffraction data-Beryllonite [Sidney Weinbaum] [Filed under LP Research Notebooks: Research Notebook 8: 006-007, 010-012]
- Letter from S. Goudsmit, University of Michigan, to LP RE: Vents to LP about many problems in regards to McGraw-Hill Book Co., and the publishing of their book. Goudsmit goes on to explain that his work in detail. [Filed under: LP Books, 1930b.4]
- Letter from Sam, University of Michigan, to LP RE: Sends LP the first half of his paper, "Interaction Between Nuclear Spin and Extranuclear Electrons" and will send the rest upon its completion. [LP Manuscripts of Articles: 1930a.1]
- AHP writes cheque to: Lillian Miller amount $10 [Filed under LP Biographical: Box #4.011, Folder #1]
- AHP writes cheque to: Nora Gard Miller amount $10 [Filed under LP Biographical: Box #4.011, Folder #1]
- AHP writes cheque to: Faculty Club amount $3.60 [Filed under LP Biographical: Box #4.011, Folder #1]
- Letter from James S. Thompson, VP McGraw-Hill Book Co., to LP and S. A. Goudsmit RE: Thompson provides them with the cost of original composition for The Structure of Line Spectra, which amounts to: $647.83. Also, there is a total of $429. 63 to be paid because of author corrections. Because many of these corrections were the company's fault he agrees to split the cost. [Filed under: LP Books, 1930b.4]
- Letter from S. Goudsmit, University of Michigan to LP RE: Goudsmit vents to LP about the ridiculous amount of money they must pay for author corrections for their book. He is very angry about this and makes a couple of suggestions about how they can handle the situation. [Filed under: LP Books, 1930b.4]
- Letter from S. Goudsmit to LP RE: Apologizes for not responding sooner, however explains that he has had a temperature of over 100 for several days. He hopes to be able to meet in California next winter. [Filed under: LP Books, 1930b.4]
- Letter from Arthur A. Noyes to LP, RE: Says that he will write to Brockway about LP and him working together and will send him LP's statement about it. Discusses the possibility of Conant reconsidering coming to CIT. Asks LP to discuss this with Conant and to formulate an opinion of Conant's qualifications to work at CIT. Informs LP that Slater has accepted the head of the physics department at MIT and that Von Karman has accepted a professorship in aerodynamics at CIT. Handwritten tables on back. [Filed under LP Personal Safe: Drawer 2, Folder 2.005.35]
- Manuscript Notes: "The Hyperfine Structure of Spectral Lines", Manchester, England, May-June, 1930 [LP Science Box 5.001, Folder 5]
- Letter from John C. Slater to LP, RE: Informs LP that he has written to Cambridge asking to have reprints of his papers sent to LP. Tells LP that Compton has persuaded him to go to Tech and discusses other appointments being made, new buildings, and other advantages to working there. [Filed under LP Personal Safe: Drawer 2, Folder 2.003.44]
- Manuscript Notes: "Heisenberg's Treatment of the Helium Spectrum", Manchester, England, June 28, 1930. [LP annotation: "Practically of this has mistakes in it!"] [LP Science Box 5.001, Folder 6]
- Letter from LP to Sterling B. Hendricks, Fixed Nitrogen Research Laboratory (Washington, D. C.) RE: Thanking Hendricks for the drawings and photos of his Weisenberg and rotation apparatus and for enclosing a MS about molecular rotations submitted by Smyth with a letter to Wendt. LP suggests Smyth write a discussion of dielectric constant evidence instead. [Filed under H: Individual Correspondence, Box #156.3]