Click on a day for specific listings and a related image.

  • LP Research Notebooks, RNB 07 RE: Notes and X-ray diffraction data-the Chlorites [LP and Sidney Weinbaum] [Filed under LP Research Notebooks: Research Notebook 7: 124-130, 137-148, 151-160]

January 2
  • Letter from J. A. Hyland to LP RE: Apologizes for the belated letter. Explains to LP that due to the many proofs and corrections that were made, the final print may not be available until the end of February. [Filed under: LP Books, 1930b.4]

January 9

January 11
  • AHP writes cheque to: Division of Motor Vehicles amount $3 [Filed under LP Biographical: Box #4.011, Folder #1]

January 13
  • Handwritten note from LP to Dr. Noyes, RE: Discusses the results of the examination in Chemical Applications of Spectral Data and says that "Goudsmit + Pauling" won't appear until late February. Talks about his time spent there with AHP and Linus, Jr. Discusses the work he and Weinbaum have been doing. Encloses a Lebenslanf and a list of papers of Zachariasen, who would like to come there. LP makes suggestions about fellowships to offer him. Notes that Warren has not written him yet. Discusses the problem that Peterson is working on, finding the composition of nephilite. Discusses his upcoming travel and lecture plans. Explains his opposition to the Junior's travel prizes. [Filed under LP Personal Safe: Drawer 2, Folder 2.018.17]
  • Letter from Albert L. Barrows, Assistant Secretary, National Research Council to LP RE: In the absence of Dr. Kellogg, Barrows acknowledges LP's application to the NRC for a grant of $900.00 to assist in investigation of the electron distribution in various crystals. [LP Science Box 14.027, Folder 2]

January 14
  • Letter from J. A. Hyland to LP RE: Hyland acknowledges receipt of LP's letter from January 9th and discusses the proofs and the order in which LP should be receiving them. Finally Hyland asks that LP provide him with the number of students who will need reprints, the number of pages or chapters that should be included and finally and the date in which the reprints should arrive to LP so that they may used in his classes. [LP's letter: January 9, 1930] [Filed under: LP Books, 1930b.4]

January 15
  • Letter from Hugh J. Kelly, Associate Editor, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., to LP RE: Kelly explains to LP that he must charge for the publication of the preprints for Chapters III, IV and V. [LP's reply: January 21, 1930] [Filed under: LP Books, 1930b.4]

January 20
  • Letter from J. E. Mills, Chairman of the Division of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, National Research Council to LP RE: LP's grant application has been referred to Mills. He notifies LP that the committee might be inclined to deny the request because grant funds are not usually given to support assistants as is the case with LP who wishes to hire Sturdivant. Mills requests more information about Sturdivant. [LP Science Box 14.027, Folder 2]

January 21

January 24
  • Letter from LP to Mr. James S. Thompson, Vice President, McGraw-Hill Book, Co., RE: LP suggests Figures 67 and 68 be made directly from inked tracings without sending them back to him for approval. LP hopes that he addition of the appendix will not interfere too much with the printing of the book. [Filed under: LP Books, 1930b.4]

January 25
  • AHP writes cheque to: American Chemical Society amount $15 [Filed under LP Biographical: Box #4.011, Folder #1]
  • AHP writes cheque to: American Physical Society amount $10 [Filed under LP Biographical: Box #4.011, Folder #1]
  • AHP writes cheque to: The MacMillan Company amount $3.15 [Filed under LP Biographical: Box #4.011, Folder #1]

January 27
  • Letter from J. A. Hyland, Manufacturing Dept., McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., to LP RE: Asks that LP return the revised proof of galley 80 as soon as possible. Hyland also wonders if Chapters III, IV, V and VI should wait to be printed until corrections are made, if so he will need the proofs back immediately. Otherwise they can begin printing right away ensuring they will reach LP in time for his seminar. [Filed under: LP Books, 1930b.4]

January 30
  • Letter from J. A. Hyland, Manufacturing Dept., McGraw-Hill Co., Inc. To LP RE: Updates LP on the plans and deadlines for the publication of his book. [Filed under: LP Books, 1930b.4]
  • Letter from W. A. Noyes to LP RE: Enclosed statement of purpose and contents of book being written by E. Bright Wilson, Jr. and requests LP's opinion on whether the book should be published. [Filed under N: Individual Correspondence, Box #279.3]

January 31