Carlos Alexis Cruz Oral History Interview

Interviewee: Carlos Alexis Cruz
Interviewer: Mike Jager
Interview Date: June 29, 2015
Location: Interview recorded remotely; narrator was in Charlotte, North Carolina, interviewer was in Corvallis, Oregon.
Duration: 0:29:27

Carlos Alexis Cruz is a professor at the University of North Carolina (UNC) in Charlotte, NC. There, he teaches physical theatre and acrobatics for actors. Currently, Carlos lives in Charlotte, though he found and later became involved with Milagro after wanted to give back to the community he came from. Carlos moved to Portland and collaborated on a number of productions, which he feels brought him closer to the community as an actor. In total, Carlos collaborated on at least thirteen productions during his time with Milagro. He worked primarily as an actor, but was able to use his background in physical theatre and acrobatics as well. Carlos also directed two productions during this time, including a production of "Lazarillo de Tormes." Carlos feels that Milagro us much more than a theatre, rather it is a performing arts center, which he feels is a greater asset to the Latino community in Portland. Carlos believes that Milagro is a one of a kind institution with respect to diversity and internationality. More than a miracle, Carlos considers his time with Milagro to be a blessing. He says that Milagro’s own miracle though is its resiliency - to have established itself and persisted throughout the years, addressing issues and problems within the community and in our own society, which is the miracle. Midway through the interview, the interviewer asks the same questions and the answers are given in Spanish.

Dublin Core


Carlos Alexis Cruz Oral History Interview


Carlos Alexis Cruz is a professor at the University of North Carolina (UNC) in Charlotte, NC. There, he teaches physical theatre and acrobatics for actors. Currently, Carlos lives in Charlotte, though he found and later became involved with Milagro after wanted to give back to the community he came from. Carlos moved to Portland and collaborated on a number of productions, which he feels brought him closer to the community as an actor. In total, Carlos collaborated on at least thirteen productions during his time with Milagro. He worked primarily as an actor, but was able to use his background in physical theatre and acrobatics as well. Carlos also directed two productions during this time, including a production of "Lazarillo de Tormes." Carlos feels that Milagro us much more than a theatre, rather it is a performing arts center, which he feels is a greater asset to the Latino community in Portland. Carlos believes that Milagro is a one of a kind institution with respect to diversity and internationality. More than a miracle, Carlos considers his time with Milagro to be a blessing. He says that Milagro’s own miracle though is its resiliency - to have established itself and persisted throughout the years, addressing issues and problems within the community and in our own society, which is the miracle. Midway through the interview, the interviewer asks the same questions and the answers are given in Spanish.


Carlos Alexis Cruz


Milagro (Miracle Theatre Group) Oral History Collection (OH 31)


Special Collections and Archives Research Center, Oregon State University Libraries


June 29, 2015


Mike Jager


Born Digital


English and Spanish


Oral History



Oral History Item Type Metadata


Mike Jager


Carlos Alexis Cruz


Interview recorded remotely; narrator was in Charlotte, North Carolina, interviewer was in Corvallis, Oregon.

Original Format

Born Digital



OHMS Object

Interview Format
