Activity Listings
- Article: "Fallout Is Up 25% in City - But Is It Dangerous?," New York Post. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (G: Correspondence, 1958) #141.2]
- Letter from D. M. Lowe, Pergamon Press Limited, to LP RE: Asks him to read the attached proof of his contribution and send it back with corrections. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (P: Correspondence, 1953-1959) #313.6]
- Letter from Drs. Kulp, Broecker, and Schulert, Department of Geology, Columbia University, to LP RE: Apologizes for the delay in answering his letter from June, tells about all the mistakes an accusations they are sorry about making in their letter to the Times, talks about his Science article and how they agree with his basic analysis of the problem, encloses their latest summary and interpretation of world-wide Sr-90 bone study and a summary of their measurements relating to atmospheric C14, and invites him to come give a lecture if he's in the New York area. [Letter from LP to Kulp January 14, 1959] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (J: Correspondence, 1959), #201.3]
- Letter from G. W. Green, Vice-President for Business Affairs, CIT, to H. E. White, Assistant Treasurer - Comptroller, The National Foundation, cc: LP, RE: Acknowledges receipt of the Foundation's check in the amount of $33,943.00 in payment of Grant N. CVRE 121, effective January 1, 1959. [Letter from White to Green December 18, 1958] [Filed under LP Science: (The National Foundation, 1958-1962), Box #14.024, Folder #24.1]
- Letter from Jeffrey S. Gordon, to LP RE: Asks questions regarding the book No More War!. Asks a question regarding relativity. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (G: Correspondence, 1958) #141.2]
- Letter from L.A. DuBridge to LP, cc: Dean E. C. Watson, DR. E. H. Swift, Dr. James Bonner, RE: Says that it has come to his attention that in connection with the project under the Ford Foundation grant experiments have been carried out involving students as test subjects. Explains why using students as test subjects is bad for the Institute, and discusses policies related. [Filed under LP Safe Contents: Drawer , Folder 2.006]
- Letter from Lawrence Wayne Justus, Short Wave/Long Wave Experimental Receiving Site X-7, to LP RE: Says he heard his program over the radio and asks a question about gamma radiation from the element Ra 226. [Letter from LP to Justus January 5, 1959] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (J: Correspondence, 1959), #192.25]
- Letter from Victor Wu, to LP RE: Thanks him for his letter. Has received a letter and application from Ernest Swift. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (W: Correspondence, 1958) #444.6]