Letter from Linus Pauling to Linus Pauling, Jr. November 26, 1954

Pauling writes that he and Ava Helen are excited for their trip, but are currently very busy getting prepared. He notes that Pauling Jr. and his wife are invited to attend the ceremonies at Stockholm, and provides details of the festivities. Pauling asks his son if he would mind taking back some of his and Ava Helen's clothing to Los Angeles after the ceremonies are over. He and Ava Helen will be continuing to travel around the world.  View Transcript

Letter from Linus Pauling to Linus Pauling, Jr. Page 1. November 26, 1954
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Letter from Linus Pauling to Linus Pauling, Jr. Page 2. November 26, 1954
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Associated: Hugo Theorell, Crellin Pauling, Arne F. Westgren, Department of State (U. S.)

ID: bio5.037.7-lp-lpjr-19541126

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