Dear Mom,
Guess what-measles! I started feeling low a week ago today. Sunday night a rash
started, and on Monday the doctor noticed it. The rash reached it peak on Wednesday and now it
almost gone [sic]. I was considerably bothered by a runny nose and a bad cough and a
temperature during the worst days. And I always thought measles was nothing but a rash! The
rash bothered me least. It will probably be over a week before I can get out of this place I may
get stuck in a convalescent ward with some calisthenics to do so I can get back in shape. (Some
sort of shape, anyway!)
Of course there is a chance that I'll contract mumps or scarlet fever or both and be in here
for another month, but I hope not. I keep the doctors informed about the Bright's and I get
urinalysis fairly often.
I watched the snow fall yesterday afternoon. It was very interesting. For some reason
my imagination had not provided a very good picture, so I was surprised at the large size of the
flakes and the way in which they floated down. Poor Texas underwent a blizzard last night.
You'll probably read about it. It gave us a couple of inches of snow.
It is remarkable how rapidly this three weeks in the hospital has passed. All time,
though, passed rapidly when I look back. Only the present and the future stretch grim and
I've been spending much time thinking about the future. But all I can do is worry. Being
a doctor still appeals to me, but the money problem is great, especially with my past record.
Also I would like to be a writer but as always, where to start? and would I be any good? I see
that I'll have to make some attempts.
My love to you and the family,