LGBTQ+ Voices
In Oregon, during the 1970s, cities like Portland and Eugene began making strides towards equal protection under the law for members of the LGBTQ+ community, but activists faced a conservative backlash during the 1980s and 1990s. However, since the 2000s, Oregon’s LGBTQ+ community members have seen their civil rights and protections expand on issues like freedom from discrimination, the ability to adopt children, and the right to marry. These oral histories represent a growing repository of interviews and event recordings that document the experiences and perspectives of members of the LGBTQ+ community who have spent at least portions of their lives at Oregon State University and/or in Benton County, Oregon.
- Mircalla Addams
- Jaqc Allen
- Justine Anaya
- Judy Ball
- K.B. (Kedo Baye)
- Searainya Bond-Frojen
- Adrian Borycki
- Bradley Boovy - on the Corvallis Queer Film Festival
- Sage Briddon
- Danny Burnett
- Mina Carson - life history interview
- Mina Carson - on the history of HST 368
- Jo Casselberry
- Alder Chu
- Derron Coles
- Brooke Collison
- Martha Cone
- "Consent is Asexy and Required: Healthy Relationships with Asexual and Aromantic People"
- Maxwell Deborde
- Harry Demarest
- Merry Demarest
- Julie Derrick
- Disability and Queer Story Circle
- Dan Dowhower
- Qwo-Li Driskill and Tristen Shay on "The History of Queervallis"
- Gwil Evans
- Bryant Everett
- Robin Frojen
- Sara Gelser
- Stina Goetter
- Ish Guevara
- John Helding
- "Herstory and the Culture of Drag"
- Leah Houtman
- "Indigenous Trans and Two Spirit Stories of Resilience"
- Aubree Kellar
- Jeff Kenney
- Cindy Konrad
- Kim Kraemer
- Tamara Lash
- Marlene Massey
- Jill McAllister
- Brenda McComb
- Justin McDaniels
- Cloe McMichael
- Kobe Natachu Taylor
- Karuna Neustadt
- "Occupying Margins: A Panel Discussion on Gender"
- "OSU LGBTQ+ Community Film" [Documentary]
- Brian Parks
- Ollie Parsons
- Jesseanne Pope
- Guillermo Rebolledo
- Trystan Reese and Biff Chaplow
- Mary Renneke
- Lorena Reynolds
- Larry Roper (on the SOL support network)
- Susan Shaw
- Trans Story Circle #1
- Trans Story Circle #2
- Trans Story Circle #3
- Robyn Leigh Tanguay
- DJ Travers
- Vanessa Vanderzee
- Rylan Wall
- Christina Walsh
- Katie Wicks
- Lilith Wiksten
- Julie Williams
- Sophia Williams
- Ray Wolf
- Minerva Zayas