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Pyramid Breweries, Inc
Quarnberg, A. A. (Andrew Anderson) (1849-)
Quinlan, Dennis P.
Quinn, Guadalupe
Quinn, William H. (William Hewes) (1918-1994)
Quintana, Ben
R.H. Huston Hardware Store (Corvallis, Or.)
Raab, Carolyn A.
Rabi, I. I. (Isidor Isaac) (1898-1988)
Rabinowitch, Eugene (1901-)
Radovsky, Frank J.
Ragan, Leslie Darrell (1897-)
Ragulsky, Frank A. (1946-)
Rainbow Continuum (Oregon State University)
Raisz, Erwin (1893-1968)
Raleigh, Henry (1880-1945)
Ramirez, Ramon
Randall, Warren R.
Rankin, Robert
Rankine, J. H.
Rauch, August (August Henry) (1919-)
Raup, Hugh Miller (1901-)
Ray, Edward J. (Edward John) (1944-)
Raymond, Thayer
Raynaulds, David Palmer
Ream, Walt.
Reasons, Bill
Reddy, Ashok P.
Redon, Joel
Reed, D. J.
Reed, Edwin Thomas (1872-1948)
Reed, Robert "Wally"
Reichart, Natalie
Reiger, Edward J.
Religion in Education Foundation
Remington Rand, Inc. Library Bureau Division
Republican Party (Or.)
Research Corporation
Resident Hostess Club of Oregon State College
Resident Hostess Club of Oregon State University
Rice family.
Rice, Burton
Rice, Charles Mason MacDougall
Rice, Grantland (1880-1954)
Rich, Alexander
Richards, Evelleen
Richards, Linda Marie
Richards, Walter
Richardson, Tjodie
Richter, Paul
Richter, Robert (1929-)
Ridlington, Sandy
Riesenberg, Sidney H.
Rietveld, Elizabeth A.
Rig, B.
Rigsby, Bruce Joseph (1937-)
Rihani, Ina Lee
Riney, Hal
Ringle, John C. (John Clayton)
Ripple, William J.
Risser, Paul G.
Rixon, Theodore F.
Robbins, John L.
Robbins, William G. (1935-)
Roberts, Anthony R. (1978-)
Robertson, F. Dale.
Robertson, James Donald (1935-)
Robinson, Arthur (1942-)
Robinson, Ben L.
Robinson, Charles Leon
Robinson, R. H. (Reginald Heber) (1886-)
Rock Bottom Brewery
Rockefeller Project (Oregon State University)
Rockwell International. Atomics International Division.
Rockwell, Cleveland (1837-1907)
Rockwell, Norman (1894-1978)
Rockwell, Theodore
Rodenwold, Zelta Feike (1895-1987)
Rodgers, Jefferson B.
Rodman, Wilma M.
Rogers, Bill
Rogers, Harry Stanley (1890-)
Roosevelt, Theodore (1887-1944)
Root, G. Herbert (George Herbert)
Rosenkoetter, Sharon E., 1944-
Rosenstiel, Robert G. (Robert George), 1910-1985
Ross, Charles R. (Charles Robert), 1908-
Ross, Wesley
Rossignol, Annette
Rotblat, Joseph (1908-2005)
Roy S. Haber, PC
Rush, William C.
Russell, Bertrand (1872-1970)
Russell, Elizabeth
Russell, Walter H. (1902-1982)
Ruzek, C. V. (Charles Vladis) (1887-1968)
Rykbost, K. A.
Saalburg, Allen Russell (1899-1987)
Saalfeld, Fred E.
Sackett & Wilhelms Litho. & Prt. Co.
Sackler, Arthur M.
Sager, Azalea Linfield (1896-)
Sakharov, Andrei (1921-1989)
Salvation Army
Samuels, Clifford Elroy
Sanborn Map Company.
Sandgathe, Trevor A.
Sandine, William E.
Sands, Howard
Sanford, Stephanie
Sarff, Marilyn
Sarra, Valentino (1903-)
Sasser, Arthur H.
Saturday Evening Post
Saul, Ingmar
Savage, C. R. (Charles Roscoe) (1832-1909)
Savage, Steele
Savage, Thomas F.
Savage, Thomas Francis, 1944-
Say, Harold B.
Scharff, John (1901-1998)
Scharff, John C.
Scheel, Jean W.
Schell, Herbert A.
Schelling, Carolyn
Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von (1775-1854)
Schlaikjer, Jes Wilhelm (1897-)
Schleicher, Albert
Schmieding, Sam
Schmitt, R. A. (Roman A.) (1925-2016)
Schmitz, John
Schneider, Nicholas (1893-)
Schoenflies, A. (Arthur) (1853-1928)
Schomaker, Verner
Schoth, H. A. (Harry August) (1891-)
Schreiber, Georges (1904-1977)
Schriver, Edward O. (1931-)
Schrumpf, Barry J.
Schubert, John R.
Schulein, Joseph
Schulte, Douglas
Schultz, Clark Edwards (1893-1983)
Schwammel, Ade
Schweitzer, Albert (1875-1965)
Sciuchetti, Leo Anton (1913-)
Scott, Foresman and Company
Scott, Lewis K.
Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Library. Archives
Scudder, H. D. (Henry Desborough) (1881-)
Scullen, Herman A.
Seaborg, Glenn Theodore (1912-1999)
Searcy, James T. (James Thomas) (1937-)
Searcy, Julie A. Davies
Searcy, Thomas B.
Seat, Velma
Security Services
Sedell, James R. (James Russell), 1944-2012
Selenium-Tellurium Development Association
Selye, Hans (1907-)
Sense, George A. (1910-1978)
Sewell, Elaine K.
Sewell, James A. (1881-1959)
Shadomy, Jerry
Shadomy, Nancy
Shafer, Lou
Shali_a_pin, Boris (1904-1979)
Shand, W. J. S.
Shane, Ralph M.
Shapley, Harlow (1885-1972)
Shaw, Susan M. (Susan Maxine) (1960-)
Shearer, Marvin N.
Shell Oil Company
Shepard, Claiborne Lockley (1883-1906)
Shepard, Edgar Raymond (1880-)
Shepard, Jon, 1941-
Sheridan, John E.
Sherwood, Mike D. (1954-)
Shideler, Fred Merle
Shippers Advisory Board
Shock, C. C. (Clinton C.)
Shockley, William (1910-)
Shoemaker, Clara Brink.
Shoemaker, David P.
Shuff, Florence Lynds (1907-1994)
Siebel, Frederick
Sigma Delta Chi
Sigma Delta Chi. Oregon State Chapter
Sigma Phi Epsilon. Oregon Alpha Chapter
Silver, Edward D.
Simader, Gunter
Simmons, Virginia Esther (1872-1973)
Simmons, Virginia Esther
Simpson, Charles D.
Singley, B. L. (Benjamin Lloyd)
Sinnard, H. R. (Herbert Reeves) (1904-)
Sinnhuber, R. O.
Sipe, Frank Perry
Sitton, Gordon R. (Gordon Russell) (1916-)
Sitton, Veronica C. E.
Skelton, Gordon V.
Skillin, Leland F.
Slabaugh, Wendell H.
Slater, John C. (John Clarke) (1900-1976)
Slayton, Mildred L.
Slezak, Edward J.
Smith-Watson, Mary Margaret (1920-2018)
Smith-Western Inc.
Smith, Alice Ash
Smith, Arthur Byron
Smith, Clifford L. (Clifford Lovejoy) (1907-)
Smith, Courtland L.
Smith, Dan (1865-1934)
Smith, Frank H.
Smith, John E.
Smith, Lawrence Beall (1909-)
Smith, Mahlon Ellwood (1884-)
Smith, Pete
Smith, Pete (1918-)
Smith, Willetta Moore (1894-)
Smith, William C. (William Charles) (1919-)
Smith, William Joy
Snell, Margaret Comstock (1843-1923)
Snider, Don
Snook and Traver (Firm)
Snook, Ella
Snook, Harmon
Snyder, Donald
Snyder, Donald E. (1915-2001)
Society of the Sigma Xi. Oregon State College Chapter
Society of the Sigma Xi. Oregon State University Chapter
Sommerfeld, Arnold (1868-1951)
Somnitz, Geoffrey M.
Sorosis Literary Society (Oregon Agricultural College)
Spain, Louis A.
Spear, Gil
Spencer, J. Brookes
Spencer, Nettie
Sphinx Society (Oregon Agricultural College)
Sphinx Society (Oregon State College)
Sphinx Society (Oregon State University)
Spike, Eleanor May
Spike, Frances Miriam
Spike, Mary
Spillard, M. B.
Spillman, Paul H.
Sprague, Charles A. (Charles Arthur) (1887-1969)
Spriggs, James Llewellyn
Springall, H. D.
Squaw Butte Range and Livestock Experiment Station (Burns, Or.)
Sravya Tadepalli
St. John, James Allen (1872-1957)
Staehle, Albert (1899-)
Stafford & Co., Ltd.
Stahr, Paul (1883-1953)
Stanford Research Institute
Stanley, Frederic
Stanley, Wendell M. (Wendell Meredith) (1904-)
Stanton, Edwin M. (Edwin McMasters) (1814-1869)
Starker, T. J. (Thurman James) (1890-1983)
Starling, Edmund A.
Starr, Eugene Carl (1901-)
Steagall, Jane
Steak and Chop Club (Corvallis, Or.)
Steamboaters (Organization)
Stecher-Truang Lithography Corporation
Steinmetz, Buena Margason Maris Mockmore (1898-1967)
Stekel, Shirley L. (Shirley Lillian) (1936-2018)
Stemmler, Milton O.
Stephenson, Mervyn
Stetler, Dawn A.
Stevens, Edward A.
Stevens, George F.
Stevens, Isaac Ingalls (1818-1862)
Steward, Albert Newton (1897-)
Steyaert, Helen Elizabeth
Stitt, Fred A.
Stock, Clara (1862-)
Stock, Morris (approximately 1827-1898)
Stock's Cash Store
Stoevener, H. H.
Stone, Irwin (1907-1984)
Stone, Irwin
Stong, Clair L.
Storvick, Clara A. (Clara Amanda) (1906-)
Story, Dale Franklin (1942-)
Stout, Benjamin Boreman (1924-)
Stout, Ray L. (Ray Lewis) (1885-)
Strain, Clayton Preston
Strain, Douglas C.
Strand, A. L. (August Leroy) (1894-)
Strandberg, Rebecca
Strobridge Lithographing Company
Strome, Carey L.
Strong, John (1905-)
Strothmann, F. (Frederick) (1872-)
Struve, Marcus
Stuart, John Leighton (1876-1962)
Stuhr, Ernst T. (Ernst Thedore) (1900-1980)
Sturtevant, James H. (Holmes)
Summer Conference on Science Writing (1965 : Oregon State University)
Sutherland, Frank G.
Sutter, John Augustus (1803-1880)
Sutton, Leslie (1906-1992)
Swanson, Frederick J. (Frederick John), 1943-
Sward, Mary Ann
Swingley, Evelyn R.
Szent-Gyorgyi, Albert (1893-1986)
Szilard, Leo
Tadepalli, Sravya.
Tan, Lyn.
Tarkington, Booth (1869-1946)
Taskerud, Charlie
Taskerud, Esther
Taubeneck, William H.
Taylor, Albert D. (Albert Davis) (1883-1951)
Taylor, Armond C.
Taylor, B. Sam
Taylor, George H., 1947-
Taylor, Janet C. (1917-)
Team Liberation (Oregon State University)
Technology Educators of Oregon.
Tegnell, Katherine
Tegnell, Russell
Teller, Edward (1908-2003)
Ten Rivers Food Web (Corvallis, Or.)
Terriere, Leon C.
Teutsch, William L.
Thackrey, Russell I. (1904-)
Thayer, Thomas Prence (1907-)
Theta Sigma Phi. Oregon State Chapter
Thomas, Jack Ward
Thompson, Betty Lynd
Thompson, Gilbert (1839-1909)
Thompson, Kenneth W. (1907-)
Thomsen-Ellis Company
Thorley, Elizabeth C.
Thornton, Lulu
Tibbets, Elmo R.
Tibbetts, Doris Mardis
Tibbits, H.C.
Time Magazine
Tiselius, Arne (1902-)
Todd, Alexander R. (Alexander Robertus) (1907-)
Tolar Burton, Vicki (1945-)
Tolman, Richard Chace (1881-1948)
Tomsheck, William Henry
Tooley, Fred
Tooze, Ruth Tibbits, 1901-
Torgerson, E. F. (Edward Fritchoff) (1888-)
Town Club (Corvallis, Or.)
Townsend, Harry Everett
Trask, Sydney
Traver, Louis
Treanor, Vincent
Treasher, Ray C. (Raymond Clarence) (1898-)
Treidler, Adolph, 1886-
Triad Club (Oregon State University)
Tribble, Marie
Trigg, John W.
Tripp, Rodney
Trout, E. Dale (Edrie Dale) (1901-1977)
Trow, Jo Anne J.
Trueblood, Kenneth N.
Tynon, Joanne F.
U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Office of Biological Services
Uhlig, Elizabeth M.
Ujima Education Office (1997-2013)
Ullman, James Ramsey (1907-1971)
Ulrich, Laura (1976-)
Underwood & Underwood
Underwood, Clarence F.
Underwood, Edward F.
Union Oil Company of California
United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration
United Service Organizations (U.S.)
United States Coast Survey
United States Employment Service
United States Food Administration
United States Golf Association. Bulletin of the Green Section of the U.S. Golf Association
United States Indian School (Santa Fe, New Mexico)
United States Printing and Lithograph Co.
United States. Agency for International Development
United States. Agricultural Adjustment Administration
United States. Air Force ROTC
United States. Army
United States. Army Air Forces
United States. Army Nurse Corps
United States. Army Service Forces. Army Information Branch
United States. Army. Air Corps
United States. Army. Corps of Engineers
United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. Portland District
United States. Army. Recruiting Publicity Bureau
United States. Army. Recruiting Service
United States. Army. Reserve Officers' Training Corps
United States. Army. Students' Army Training Corps.
United States. Army. Western Defense Command
United States. Bonneville Power Administration
United States. Bureau of Agricultural Economics
United States. Bureau of Chemistry
United States. Bureau of Education
United States. Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine
United States. Bureau of Home Economics
United States. Bureau of Indian Affairs
United States. Bureau of Indian Affairs. Branch of Forestry
United States. Bureau of Land Management
United States. Bureau of Public Roads
United States. Bureau of Reclamation
United States. Bureau of Soils
United States. Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife
United States. Bureau of the Census
United States. Cadet Nurse Corps
United States. Citizens Service Corps
United States. Committee on Public Information
United States. Committee on Public Information. Division of Pictorial Publicity
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Ways and Means
United States. Crop Corps
United States. Department of Agriculture
United States. Department of Labor
United States. Department of the Interior
United States. Department of the Treasury
United States. Division of Labor Standards
United States. Environmental Protection Agency
United States. Farm Service Agency
United States. Federal Aviation Administration
United States. Federal Board for Vocational Education
United States. Federal Emergency Relief Administration
United States. Federal Highway Administration
United States. Federal Security Agency
United States. Federal Security Agency. Public Health Service
United States. Forest Service
United States. Forest Service. North Pacific District
United States. Forest Service. North Pacific Region
United States. Forest Service. Pacific Northwest Region
United States. General Land Office
United States. Government Printing Office
United States. Grazing Service
United States. Interagency Scientific Committee
United States. International Cooperation Administration
United States. Marine Corps
United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration
United States. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
United States. Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps
United States. Office for Emergency Management. Division of Information
United States. Office of Civil Defense
United States. Office of Civilian Defense
United States. Office of Defense Transportation
United States. Office of Economic Stabilization
United States. Office of Education
United States. Office of Facts and Figures
United States. Office of Facts and Figures. Graphics Division
United States. Office of Indian Affairs
United States. Office of Markets and Rural Organization
United States. Office of Markets and Rural Organization.
United States. Office of Naval Research
United States. Office of Price Administration
United States. Office of State Technical Services
United States. Office of War Information
United States. Public Health Service
United States. Public Roads Administration
United States. Soil Conservation Service
United States. Solid Fuels Administration for War
United States. Surveyor General
United States. War Department
United States. War Department. Safety Council
United States. War Manpower Commission
United States. War Production Board
United States. War Relocation Authority
United States. Works Progress Administration
United War Work Campaign, Inc.
University of Texas at Austin. Petroleum Extension Service
Unsoeld, William Francis (1926-1979)
Urban League of Portland (Portland, Or.)
Urey, Harold Clayton, 1893-1981
Valenti, Paul Bartholomew
Valls, Andrew (1966-)
Van Loan, Lillian Schroeder
Van Niel, Cornelis Bernardus (1897-1986)
Van Vleck, J. H. (John Hasbrouck) (1899-)
Van Vliet, Antone C.
Van Wormer, Joe.
VanCleave, Ralph W.
Vanderpool, Nancy Marston
VanDevender, Neal
VanLeeuwen, Liz
Vars, R. Charles
Varseveld, G. W. (George Wallace)
Vedder, Harold Troxel
Vertrees, J. D.
Verts, B. J.
Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States
Victor, Arthur Earl
Village Improvement Society (Corvallis, Or.)
Vincent, Chester Andrus
Voigts, Shirley
Voll, Colene
Vorster, Ian
W.F. Powers Co.
W.H. Freeman and Company
W.K. Kellogg Foundation.
WAC Corp.
Wagner, Berny
Wagner, Effie L.
Wake, David B.
Wald, George
Waldo, John B. (John Breckenridge) (1844-1907)
Waldron, Rodney K.
Walentynowicz, M.
Walker, George Walton (1921-)
Wallace, Frank
Walls, Robert B.
Walters, Jayne
Walton, J. S. (Jesse Seburn)
Wang, Chih Hsing (1917-)
War Camp Community Service (U.S.)
Ward, John L. (1945-)
Washburn, F. L. (Frederic Leonard) (1860-1927)
Washington (State). Department of Fisheries
Washington (State). Department of Natural Resources
Washington (State). Division of Forestry
Washington (State). Division of Geology
Washington (State). Division of Mines and Geology
Washington (State). Office of the Secretary of State
Watercolor Society of Oregon
Watkins, Carleton E. (1829-1916)
Watson, James D. (1928-)
Watt, James (1736-1819)
Watts, Harriett (1947-)
Watts, Noreen (1913-1995)
Wax, Darold D.
Wearne, Jim (1950-)
Weatherford, James K. (1850-1935)
Weatherford, Margaret Cartwright
Weatherford, Mark V. (Mark Vern) (1886-)
Weaver, Charles E. (Charles Edwin) (1880-1958)
Weaver, Roger.
Weber, Lavern J.
Weber, Leonard Joseph
Webster, Janet G.
Websterian Literary Society (Oregon Agricultural College)
Weigand Studio.
Weinbaum, Lina (Litinskaya)
Weinbaum, Sidney
Weisskopf, Victor Frederick (1908-2002)
Weister Company
Weld, Frank A. (Frank Augustine) (1858-)
Wells, Earl W. (Earl William) (1898-)
Wendelin, Rudolph
Weniger, Willibald (1884-)
Werlin, Joella
Western Agricultural Economics Council
Western Agricultural Economics Research Council
Western Center for Community College Development
Western Oregon Livestock Association
Western Rural Development Center
Western Small Fruit Pest Conference.
Westlund, Ben (1949-2010)
Westwood, Melvin N. (Melvin Neil) (1923-)
Weswig, Paul H.
Weyerhaeuser Timber Company.
WGBH (Television station : Boston, Mass.)
Whalen, Doris Hageman
Wheland, George Willard (1907-)
Whitehead, Walter (1874-1956)
Wick, William Q.
Widmer Brothers Brewing
Widmer Brothers Brewing Company
Wiegand, Ernest Herman (1886-)
Wiener, Alfred A.
Wigan, Richardson and Co.
Wigan, Richardson and Company
Wildlife Society. Oregon Chapter
Wilkins, Billy Hughel (1931-)
Wilkins, Maurice (1916-)
Wilkinson, Edith Mae
Wilkinson, W. D. (William Donald) (1901-)
Will, George F. (George Francis) (1884-1955)
Willey, Earl Clark (1891-)
William H. Forbes & Company
Williams, Chuck, 1943-2016
Williams, Gerald W.
Williams, Harold C. (Harold Cleophas) (1943-2012)
Williams, Howel (1898-1980)
Williams, J. Scott (John Scott) (1877-1975)
Williams, Jack (1908-)
Williams, Roger John (1893-)
Williams, William Appleman
Wills, Dave
Wilson Huey, Earlean
Wilson, E. Bright (Edgar Bright) (1908-)
Wilson, E. E. (Eddy Elbridge) (1869-1961)
Wilson, E. E. (Eddy Elbridge), 1869-1961
Wilson, Lois K. (Lois Katherine)
Wilson, Lottie
Wilson, Maud
Wilson, Robert Claude
Wilson, Sarah J. (Sarah Jackman) (1924-1978)
Wilson, Warren C.
Winkler, William (1933-)
Winne, Charles Burton (1900-1980)
Winne, Charles Burton
Withycombe, James (1854-1919)
Witt, James M.
Wolfe, John W. (John William) (1917-)
Wolfson, Murray
Wolverton, Dennis
Woman's Christian Temperance Union
Woman's Christian Temperance Union of Oregon
Women's Recreation Association (Oregon State University)
Wood, G. B. (Gregory Burton) (1909-)
Wood, J. J.
Woodard, Clarke & Co.
Woodard, Steve.
Worden, Josh
Worsley, Ben S.
Wright-Blodgett Company
Wright, Abigail
Wright, Marshall S.
Wright, Mattie (1876-)
Wright, Robert I.
Wrinch, Dorothy (1894-1976)
Wyden, Ron (1949-)
Wyeth, N. C. (Newell Convers) (1882-1945)
Xi Sigma Pi (Fraternity). Zeta Chapter.
Xing, Jun
Yamhill County Extension Office
Yang, Edith Leong (1918-2012)
Yawkey, Cyrus Carpenter (1862-1943)
Yeats, Robert S.
Yellowstone National Park
York, Barbara
York, Ralph L.
Yost, Don M. (1893-)
You, Lijing
Young America Engine Company No. 1 (Corvallis, Or.)
Young Democratic Club of Benton County (Or.)
Young Men's Christian Association
Young Men's Christian Association (Oregon Agricultural College)
Young Women's Christian Association
Young Women's Christian Association (Oregon Agricultural College)
Young, Roy A. (Roy Alton) (1921-)
Young, Roy A. (Roy Alton) ((1921-2013))
Young, Roy A. (Roy Alton) (1921-2013) (1921-2013)
Young, William Crawford (1886-)
Younger, Don (Donald Allan) (1941-2011)
Youth Temperance Council
Zahn, Ronald B.
Zewail, Ahmed H.
Ziefle, Adolph (1882-)
Zigler, G. (Gilbert) (1945-2014)
Zobel, Donald B.
ZoBell, Claude E. (1904-1989)
Zoller Hop Company
Zoller, Charles A.
Zoller, Christian H.
Zorn, Henry (1880-1971)
Zuckerkandl, Emile
Zvonkovic, Anisa M.
Zwahlen, Fred C. (1924-)
Zybach, Bob