John L. Fryer Papers, 1953-2001
These papers document the career and research activities of John L. Fryer, Microbiology Professor and Department Chairman.
ID: MSS Fryer
Extent: 6.0 cubic feet
Preferred Citation: John L. Fryer Papers (MSS Fryer), Oregon State University Special Collections and Archives Research Center, Corvallis, Oregon.
Container List
- Series 1: Research Projects, 1970-2001 Add to Shelf
- UnitID: Series 1
- Box-Folder 1.1: Anemias in the Pacific Salmon at Northwest Hatcheries, 1985 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 1.2: Antimicrobial Agents Against Renibacterium salmoninarum, 1987-1989 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 1.3: Bacterial Kidney Disease of Salmonid Fish, 1981-1985 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 1.4: Ceratomyxa shasta: A Myxosporean Parasite of Salmonid Fish, 1982-1984 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 1.5: Comparison of Three Isolates of Piscirickettsia salmonis with Differential Virulence for Salmonid Fish, 1997-1998 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 1.6: Control of Infectious Diseases of Cultured Fish, 1978-1981 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 1.7: Detection of Piscine Erthrocytic Necrosis in Oregon Fishes, 1978-1982 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 1.8: Detection, Prevention, and Control of Diseases in Fish, 1977-1984 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 1.9: Detection, Prevention, and Control of Diseases in Fish, 1980-1984 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 1.10: Development of Aquaculture Technology of Hamoor, 1987 Add to Shelf
- Research proposal from the Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences sent to Rohovec for review. Rehovec's comments are included in a report in the file.
- Box-Folder 1.11: Development of DNA Probes to Characterize the Life Cycle of Ceratomyxa shasta, a Myxosporean Parasite of Salmonid Fish, 1997 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 1.12: Development of an Effective Vaccine Against Aeromonas salmonidas, 1985 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 1.13: Distribution and Seasonal Occurrence of Myxobolus cerebralis in the Lostine River, Oregon, 1998 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 1.14: Ecological Associations of Tubifex tubifex in Enzootic Waters in Northeastern Oregon and Effects of Gas Supersaturation, 1997 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 1.15: An Environmental Microbiology Study in Korea: Pollution in the Han River and Microbial Diseases of Cultured Fishes, 1979-1980 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 1.16: Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases in the Salmonid Fish of Chile, 1982-1984 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 1.17: Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases in the Salmonid Fish of Chile, 1983-1984 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 1.18: Erythrocytic Inclusion Body Syndrome: A Viral Disease of Salmonid Fish, 1992-1995 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 1.19: Evaluation of Piscirickettsia Salmonis, 1999-2000 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 1.20: Fall Creek Syndrome: A Disease of Salmonid Fish, 1984 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 1.21: Feasibility Testing of Sarafloxacin (A-56620) Against Renibacterium salmoninarum in Salmonid Fish, 1988-1991 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 1.22: Fish Disease Risk Assessment Study: Whirling Disease and Ceratomyxosis, 1997-2001 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 1.23: Fish Health Management Through Disease Prevention and Control, 1983-1986 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 1.24: The History and Current Status of Renibacterium salmoninarum, the Causative Agent of Bacterial Kidney Disease in Pacific Salmon, 1992 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 1.25: Identification of Intermediate Host of the Salmonid Parasite Ceratomyxa shasta Using Genetic Probes, 1996-1997 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 1.26: Immunization of Fish for Control of Infectious Diseases, 1977-1978 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 1.27: Immunization of Salmonid Fish for Control of Vibriosis, 1973-1974 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 1.28: Infectious Diseases Among Populations of Salmonid Fishes in Korea, 1981-1985 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 1.29: Infectious Diseases of Salmonid Fish, 1976-1986 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 1.30: Infectious Diseases of Salmonid Fish, 1989-1991 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 1.31: Infectious Diseases of Salmonid Fish, 1995-1997 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 1.32: Infectious Diseases of Salmonid Fish, 1996-2000 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 1.33: Infectious Hematopoietic Necrosis Virus in Rainbow Trout, 1982-1983 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 1.34: Interactions Between Ceratomyxa shasta and its Salmonid and Polychaete Host, 1997-99 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 1.35: Infectious Diseases of Salmonid Fish, 1993-1994 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 1.36: Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases of Salmonid Fishes, 1993-1994 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 2.1: Investigation of Ceratomyxa shastain Willamette River Salmonids and Hydrogen Peroxide as a Substitute for Formalin for Fish Parasite Treatment, 1994-1995 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 2.2: Investigation of Ceratomyxa shastain Willamette River Salmonids and Hydrogen Peroxide as a Substitute for Formalin for Fish Parasite Treatment, 1997-2000 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 2.3: Iodine Treatment of Fish Eggs for Elimination of Pathogenic Viruses, 1977-1980 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 2.4: Monoclonal Antibodies for Studying Infectious Diseases of Fish, 1985-1986 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 2.5: Piscirickettsia Salmonis and Other Rickettsial Pathogens of Fish, 1995-2000 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 2.6: Piscirickettsia Salmonis and Other Rickettsial Pathogens of Fish, 1998-1999 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 2.7: Program for Elimination of IHN Virus from Elk and Chetco River Stocks of Fall Chinook Salmon, 1979-1980 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 2.8: A Proposal To Assess the Disease Related Mortality of Adult Salmonids in the Rogue River, 1980-1982 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 2.9: Research Data: Effect of Water Temperature on Losses in Rainbow Trout Caused by Ceratomyxa shasta, 1970-1971 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 2.10: Rickettsial and Chlamydial Infections of Freshwater and Marine Fishes, Bivalves, and Crustaceans, 1992 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 2.11: Specific and Nonspecific Immune Response of Salmonid Fish to Piscirickettsia Salmonis, 1996 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 2.12: Virulence Factors Important in the Pathogenesis of Fish Diseases, 1988 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 2.13: Virulence Factors Important in the Pathogenesis of Fish Diseases, 1988-1992 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 2.14: Virus Diseases of Fish, 1970 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 2.15: The Virus of Salmonid Fish: Their Distribution and Importance, 1992 Add to Shelf
- Series 2: Conferences/Workshops, 1974-2000 Add to Shelf
- UnitID: Series 2
- Box-Folder 2.16: Joint Meeting of the UJNR Panel on Aquaculture and Symposium on Fish Diseases-Tokyo, 1974 Add to Shelf
- Topic: Immunization of fish for control of vibriosis
- Box-Folder 2.17: American Public Health Association Annual Meeting-Los Angeles, 1978 Add to Shelf
- Topic: Infectious agents found in aquatic foods
- Box-Folder 2.18: American Society of Microbiology Annual Meeting-Las Vegas, 1978 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 2.19: Disease Inspection and Certification of Fish and Fish Eggs Conference, 1978 Add to Shelf
- Topic: History and perspectus of inspection and certification of fish stocks
- Box-Folder 2.20: Western Fish Disease Annual Meeting-Newport, 1978 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 2.21: Canadian Society for Microbiology Annual Meeting-Victoria, B.C., 1979 Add to Shelf
- Topic: Bacterial properties of a lectin derived from Spring Chinook Salmon ova
- Box-Folder 2.22: Consortium For International Fisheries and Aquaculture Development-Corvallis and Newport, 1979 Add to Shelf
- Topic: Presentation by Fryer on research in aquaculture disease
- Box-Folder 2.23: Latin American Congress on Microbiology-Santiago, Chile, 1979 Add to Shelf
- Topic: Ecology of selected microbes pathogenic for cold blooded animals)
- Box-Folder 2.24: National Fish Health Research Laboratory Workshop-Leetown, Virginia, 1979 Add to Shelf
- Topic: Ceratomyxa shasta
- Box-Folder 2.25: Pacific Fishery Biologists Annual Meeting-Kah-Nee-Ta, Oregon, 1979 Add to Shelf
- Topic: Fish disease problems of the Pacific rim countries. Do we have any?
- Box-Folder 2.26: Sigma Xi-OSU Chapter Public Lecture by Fryer, 1979 Add to Shelf
- Topic: A new reo-like virus isolated from Pacific Salmon
- Box-Folder 2.27: U.S.-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Fish Health-Seattle, 1979 Add to Shelf
- Topic: Bacterians and vaccines for control of infectious diseases in fish
- Box-Folder 2.28: U.S.-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Fish Health-Seattle, 1979 Add to Shelf
- Topic: Bacterians and vaccines for control of infectious diseases in fish
- Box-Folder 2.29: Water Resources Research Institute Seminar-Corvallis, 1979 Add to Shelf
- Topic: Fish health management in aquaculture
- Box-Folder 2.30: American Society for Microbiology Annual Meeting-Miami, 1980 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 2.31: Fish Health Training Workshop-Leetown, Virginia, 1980 Add to Shelf
- Organized and delivered three workshop sessions at the Fisheries Academy in Leetown
- Box-Folder 2.32: Food and Drug Administration's Science Symposium on Aquaculture-New Orleans, 1980 Add to Shelf
- Topic: The establishment and maintenance of the carrier state in Salmonids with infectious hematopoitic necrosis viruses
- Box-Folder 2.33: International Seminar on Fish Infection-Tokyo, 1980 Add to Shelf
- Topics: A cell line derived from Rainbow Trout hepatoma; Persistent infection of three salmonid cell lines with infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV); Isolation of a new reovirus from Chum Salmon in Japan
- Box-Folder 2.34: Western Fish Disease Biennial Meeting-Seattle, 1980 Add to Shelf
- Topic by Rohovec: Advances in fish disease diagnostics
- Box-Folder 2.35: American Society for Microbiology Annual Meeting-Dallas, 1981 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 2.36: Environmental Health Sciences Center Conference-Salishan, Oregon, 1981 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 2.37: Midwest Fish Disease Workshop-La Crosse, Wisconsin, 1981 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 2.38: Symposium on Fish Biologics: Serodiagnostics and Vaccines-Kearneysville, West Virginia, 1981 Add to Shelf
- Topic: Biologics for immunization of fishes
- Box-Folder 2.39: Agriculture in the Classroom: Northwest Regional Meeting-Portland, 1982 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 2.40: Midwest Fish Disease Workshop-Kansas City, 1982 Add to Shelf
- Topic: Virulence of pathogenic microbes and their importance in infectious diseases of fish
- Box-Folder 2.41: American Fisheries Society-Oregon Chapter Annual Meeting-Corvallis, 1983 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 2.42: Aquaculture 83-Washington D.C., 1983 Add to Shelf
- Topic: Observations on the effects of Renibacterium salmoninarum on transition of Spring Chinook Salmon from fresh to salt water
- Box-Folder 2.43: Association of Salmon and Trout Producers of Chile-Puerto Montt, Chile, 1993 Add to Shelf
- Topics: Bacterial and Viral Diseases; Fundamentals of vaccination preparation; Diagnostics in testing
- Box-Folder 2.44: American Fisheries Society and Annual Midwest Fish Disease Workshop-Joint Fish Health Section-Little Rock, Arkansas, 1984 Add to Shelf
- Topic: Epidemiology of Ceratomyxa shasta in the Columbia River Basin
- Box-Folder 2.45: International Conference on Marine Resources of the Pacific-Vina del Mar, Chile, 1984 Add to Shelf
- Topic: Virulence factors of fish pathogens and their importance in the host-parasite relationship
- Box-Folder 2.46: International Seminar on Fish Pathology-Tokyo, 1984 Add to Shelf
- Topic: Comparison of renicaterium salmoninarumisolates by antigenic analysis
- Box-Folder 2.47: National Inland Fisheries Institute (Thailand) Presentation-Bangkok, 1984 Add to Shelf
- Topic: Causes of an ulcerative disease among economically important cultured fishes of Thailand
- Box-Folder 2.48: Western Fish Disease Annual Workshop-Corvallis (Opening remarks by Fryer), 1984 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 2.49: American Fisheries Society-Fish Health Section Meeting-Kearneysville, West Virginia, 1986 Add to Shelf
- Topic by Rohovec: Monoclonal antibodies directed against renibacterium salmoninarum
- Box-Folder 2.50: Western Fish Disease Workshop-Nanaimo, B.C. (Rohovec chaired section on Bacteriology, 1986 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 2.51: World Salmonid Conference-Portland, 1986 Add to Shelf
- Topic: Potential hazard for spread of infectious disease by transplantation of fish
- Box-Folder 3.1: American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting; Oregon Chapter-Hood River, 1987 Add to Shelf
- Topic by Rehovec-Bacterial kidney disease: historical perspective, impact and possible solutions
- Box-Folder 3.2: Bacterial Kidney Disease Research Planning Meeting-Vancouver, B.C., 1987 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 3.3: Western Fish Disease Workshop-Bozeman, Montana, 1987 Add to Shelf
- Topic: Virulence comparisons of biochemical types of IHNV in two species of salmonids
- Box-Folder 3.4: Aquaculture International Congress and Exposition-Vancouver, B.C., 1988 Add to Shelf
- Topic by Rohovec: Bacterial kidney disease and furunculosis vaccines
- Box-Folder 3.5: International Fish Health Conference: Western Fish Disease Workshop-Vancouver, 1988 Add to Shelf
- Topic: Relation of water temperature to Cytophaga psychrophila infection in Coho and Chinook Salmon and Rainbow Trout
- Box-Folder 3.6: International Symposium on Viruses of Lower Vertebrates-Munich, 1988 Add to Shelf
- Topic: Introduction to Paramyxoviruses and Orthomyxoviruses
- Box-Folder 3.7: Techniques in the Cultivation and Management of Salmon: International Seminar-Santiago, Chile, 1988 Add to Shelf
- Topic: Infectious diseases of salmonid fish: transmission, prevention, and control
- Box-Folder 3.8: American Fisheries Society-Fish Health Section/Eastern Fish Health Workshop-Annapolis, 1989 Add to Shelf
- Topic: Characterization of the tissue response of Rainbow Trout to infection by the Myxosporean, Ceratomyxa Shasta, and use of monoclonal antibodies in diagnosis
- Box-Folder 3.9: International Symposium on Microbial Ecology-Kyoto, Japan, 1989 Add to Shelf
- Topic: The distribution of plasmids and viruses infectious for animals in the aquatic environments
- Box-Folder 3.10: Western Fish Disease Workshop-Orcas Island, Washington, 1989 Add to Shelf
- Topic: Taxonomy and evolution of Renibacterium salmoninarum determined by analysis of ribosomal DNA
- Box-Folder 3.11: Gulf Breeze Symposium on Marine and Estuarine Disease Research-Gulf Breeze, Florida, 1990 Add to Shelf
- Topic: Bacterial diseases of fish
- Box-Folder 3.12: International Congress of Virology-Berlin, 1990 Add to Shelf
- Topic: Preliminary characterization of a Rickettsia-like pathogen of salmonids
- Box-Folder 3.13: UJNR Annual Symposium on Control of Diseases in Aquaculture-Hiroshima, 1990 Add to Shelf
- Topic: Erythrocytic inclusion body syndrome: a viral disease of salmonids
- Box-Folder 3.14: Western Fish Disease Workshop-McCall, Idaho, 1990 Add to Shelf
- Topic: A rickettsiales-like organism from diseases Coho Salmon in Chile
- Box-Folder 3.15: International Marine Biotechnology Conference-Baltimore, 1991 Add to Shelf
- Topic: Piscirickettsia salmonis, A newly-described intracellular pathogen of salmonid fish
- Box-Folder 3.16: International Symposium on Viruses of Lower Vertebrates-Corvallis, 1991 Add to Shelf
- Topic: The use of delayed fertilization to investigate vertical transmission of infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus
- Box-Folder 3.17: Lake Michigan Chinook Salmon Mortality Subcommittee Meeting, 1991 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 3.18: OJI International Symposium on Salmonid Diseases-Sapporo, Japan, 1991 Add to Shelf
- Topic: Bacterial pathogens of salmonid fish
- Box-Folder 3.19: Western Fish Disease Conference-Newport, 1991 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 3.20: Biotechnological Approaches To the Culture and the Diseases of Fish and Shellfish Workshop, Cork, Ireland, 1992 Add to Shelf
- Topic: Rickettsial infections of salmonids in the Eastern Pacific
- Box-Folder 3.21: Biotechnological Approaches To the Culture and the Diseases of Fish and Shellfish Workshop, Cork, Ireland, 1992 Add to Shelf
- Topic: Rickettsial infections of salmonids in the Eastern Pacific
- Box-Folder 3.22: Center for Gene Research and Biotechnology Annual Retreat-Newport, 1992 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 3.23: International Symposium on Infectious Viruses in Fish-Seoul, 1992 Add to Shelf
- Topic: The current status of the viruses among Pacific Salmon in North America
- Box-Folder 3.24: Symposium on Pathological Conditions of Wild Salmonids-Aberdeen, Scotland, 1992 Add to Shelf
- Topics: The history and current status of Renibacterium salmoninarum the causative agent of bacterial kidney disease in Pacific Salmon; Piscirickettsia salmonis- a major pathogen of Pacific Salmon in Chile
- Box-Folder 3.25: European Tissue Culture Society Meeting-Rennes, France, 1993 Add to Shelf
- Topic: Models of fish cell tissues and applications
- Box-Folder 3.26: Ocean University of Qingdao Workshop-China, 1993 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 3.27: Panel Discussion in Fish Disease Research at the National Science Council-Taipai, Taiwan, 1993 Add to Shelf
- Topics: The viruses of salmonid fish, their distribution and importance; Rickettsial and chlamydial infections of freshwater and marine fishes, bivalves and crustaceans; The history and current status of Renibacterium salmoninarum-the causative agent of bacterial kidney disease in Pacific Salmon
- Box-Folder 3.28: Pacific Northwest Fish Health Protection Committee, 1994 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 4.1: Posters for two of the above panel discussion workshops in Taiwan: The History and Current Status of Renibacterium salmonarium, the Causative Agent of Bacterial Kidney Disease in Pacific Salmon and The Viruses of Salmonid Fish and Their Distribution and Importance Add to Shelf
- Dimensions: apx 12x17 in.
- Box-Folder 3.29: University of Tokyo Lectures-Tokyo, 1995 Add to Shelf
- Topic: Rickettsia-A new important group of fish pathogens
- Box-Folder 3.30: American Society for Rickettsiology and Rickettsial Diseases Annual Meeting-Pacific Grove, California, 1996 Add to Shelf
- Topics: The emergence of Rickettsia as important pathogens of fish and Evidence of genetic diversity within Piscirikettsia salmonis
- Box-Folder 3.31: Biological Colloquium, Oregon State University, 1994 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 5.1: The Elements for Growth in the Northwest Aquaculture Industry Workshop-Seattle, 1996 Add to Shelf
- Topic: Viruses and viral diseases of fish
- Box-Folder 5.2: Seoul National University Seminar-Seoul, Korea, 1996 Add to Shelf
- Topic: Recent advances in the study of rickettsial diseases of fish
- Box-Folder 5.3: Western Fish Disease Workshop-Corvallis, 1996 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 5.4: World Congress on In Vitro Biology-San Francisco, 1996 Add to Shelf
- Topic: The growth of viruses and rickettsia in fish cell lines
- Box-Folder 5.5: American Society for Microbiology Annual Meeting-Miami, 1997 Add to Shelf
- Topic: The emergence of Rickettsia as pathogens of fish
- Box-Folder 5.6: Chilean National Science Foundation Lecture-Santiago, Chile, 1997 Add to Shelf
- Topic: Intracellular parasites
- Box-Folder 5.7: Pacific Northwest Fish Health Protection Committee Symposium-Portland, 1997 Add to Shelf
- Topic: The impact of pathogens/diseases in fisheries management
- Box-Folder 5.8: Western Regional Aquaculture Center Meeting-Palm Springs, 1997 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 5.9: Aquaculture and Fish Health-Russia/U.S. Bilateral Symposium-Moscow, 1998 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 5.10: Congress on In Vitro Biology-Las Vegas, 1998 Add to Shelf
- Topic: The development of fish cell cultures for study of Rickettsia and Rickettsial-like organisms
- Box-Folder 5.11: International Symposium on Aquatic Animal Health-Baltimore, 1998 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 5.12: International Symposium on Viruses of Lower Vertebrates-Weymouth, England, 1998 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 5.13: American Fisheries Society-Fish Health Section Annual Meeting-Pensacola, 2000 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 5.14: Summer Salmon Disease Workshop-Newport, 2000 Add to Shelf
- Topic: An overview of the history of salmonid diseases
- Series 3: Correspondence, 1963-2000 Add to Shelf
- UnitID: Series 3
- Box-Folder 5.15: American Fisheries Society, 1964-1973 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 5.16: American Fisheries Society, 1972-1973 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 5.17: American Fisheries Society, 1973-1974 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 5.18: American Fisheries Society, 1973-1977 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 5.19: Article Submissions and Publication, 1977-1980 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 5.20: Article Submissions and Publication, 1978-1999 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 5.21: Center For Salmon Disease Research (OSU)-Director's Correspondence, 1998-1999 Add to Shelf
- Sub-Series 8: Committees Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 5.22: Dean's Department Head Advisory Committee, 1981 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 5.23: Fixed Term Task Force, 1986 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 5.24: Sea Grant 20th Anniversary Committee/Ocean Agenda 21 Meeting, 1988-1990 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 5.25: Consortium for International Fisheries and Aquaculture Development, 1979-1985 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 5.26: Emile F. Pernot Scholarship in Microbiology, 1999 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 5.27: General, 1968-1980 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 5.28: General, 1969-1976 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 5.29: General, 1981-2000 Add to Shelf
- Sub-Series 14: Greeting Cards Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 5.30: Birthdays and other Events, 1963-1998 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 5.31: Christmas and New Year, 1986-1991 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 5.32: Hospital Recovery, 1981 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 5.33: Grischkowsky, Roger-Research Collaboration, 1976-1977 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 6.1: Jefferson Quarantine/Incubator Ponds, 1977-1978 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 6.2: Klamath Lake Fish Kill Research, 1971-1977 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 6.3: Laboratory Animal Facilities (OSU), 1980-1982 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 6.4: Marine Science Center Aquaculture Research Laboratory, 1977-1979 Add to Shelf
- Sub-Series 20: Microbiology Dept. Staff Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 6.5: Dougherty, William, 1988-1994 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 6.6: Kaattari, Stephen, 1982-1995 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 6.7: Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, 1980, 1994 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 6.8: Publication of Microbiology Dept. Centennial History Book, 1996-1998 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 6.9: Publication of Microbiology Dept. Centennial History Book, 1998-1999 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 6.10: Requests for Research Assistance, 1999 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 6.11: Retirement (of Fryer), 1995 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 6.12: Salmon Disease Research in Chile, 1989-1990 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 6.13: Salmon Disease Research in Chile, 1989-1992 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 6.14: Salmon Disease Research and Workshops in Russia, 1978-1981 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 6.15: Sea Grant Program Assessment Team: Fish Health Research History Project, 1999-2000 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 6.16: Sea Grant Program Assessment Team: Fish Health Research History Project, 2000 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 6.17: Tour of Ocean University of Qingdao, China, 1993 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 6.18: Tour of Universities and Research Facilities in Hong Kong/Taiwan/Thailand, 1978 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 6.19: Tour of Universities and Research Facilities in Korea, 1979 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 6.20: Tour of Universities and Research Facilities in Korea/Thailand, 1994 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 6.21: Tour of Universities and Research Facilities in Thailand/Japan, 1990 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 6.22: U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1978 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 6.23: Visits to OSU by International Students and Researchers, 1979-1983 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 6.24: Visits to OSU by International Students and Researchers, 1984-1989 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 6.25: Western Regional Aquaculture Center, 1998 Add to Shelf
- Series 4: Publications, 1953-1999 Add to Shelf
- UnitID: Series 4
- Box-Folder 6.26: Article Draft: The Viral Diseases of Fish: A Review Through 1977 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 6.27: Article Draft: The Viral Diseases of Fish: A Review Through 1978 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 6.28: Article Reprints, 1965-1969 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 6.29: Article Reprints, 1970-1979 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 7.1: Article Reprints, 1980-1984 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 7.2: Article Reprints, 1985-1989 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 7.3: Article Reprints, 1990-1999 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 7.33: Publications on the Rickettsial Infections of Fishes, 1994 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 7.4: Book Chapter: Persistent Infections of Fish Cell Lines by Paramyxovirus Isolates from Chinook Salmon, from Viruses of Lower Vertebrates, 1988 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 7.5: Brochures for Japanese Fisheries and Research Facilities Add to Shelf
- Sub-Series 11: Conference Proceedings Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 7.6: Papers Presented at Various Seminars, 1959-1962 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 7.7: Second International Symposium on Virus of Lower Vertebrates, 1991 Add to Shelf
- Sub-Series 12: EPA Research Reports Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 7.8: Effects of Temperature on Diseases of Salmonid Fishes, 1974 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 7.9: Temperature, Infectious Diseases, and the Immune Response in Salmonid Fish, 1976 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 7.10: Newspaper Clippings and Articles on Fryer, 1953-1999 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 7.11: Sea Grant Publications, 1977-1999 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 7.12: U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service Research Paper: Effects of the Douglas-Fir Tussock Moth Nucleopolyhedrosis Virus on Three Species of Salmonid Fish, 1976 Add to Shelf
- Series 5: Awards Records, 1972-1997 Add to Shelf
- UnitID: Series 5
- Box-Folder 7.13: Alexander Von Humboldt Award, 1982 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 7.14: Alexander Von Humboldt Award, 1990-1991 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 7.15: Alexander Von Humboldt Award Ceremony Guestbook, 1991 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 7.16: Burlingham Distinguished Professor of Agricultural Science Award, 1982-1983 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 7.17: Carski Foundation Distinguished Teaching Award, 1975-1982 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 7.18: Carter Award, 1972 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 7.19: Elizabeth P. Ritchie Distinguished Professor Award, 1972, 1980 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 7.20: Emile F. Pernot Distinguished Professorship in Microbiology, 1992-1997 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 7.21: F.A. Gilfillan Memorial Award for Distinguished Scholarship in Science, 1984-1993 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 7.22: James and Mildred Oldfield Team Award, 1993 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 7.23: Japanese Society of Fish Pathology Award of Excellence, 1989-1990 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 7.24: OSU Alumni Distinguished Professor Award, 1982-1984 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 7.25: OSU Distinguished Professor Award, 1989-1990 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 7.26: OSU Office Personnel Association Boss of the Year Award, 1990-1991 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 7.27: U.S. Department of Agriculture for Distinguished Service Award for Scientific Research, 1990-1991 Add to Shelf
- Series 6: Employment Records, 1956-1994 Add to Shelf
- UnitID: Series 6
- Box-Folder 7.28: General, 1956-1994 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 7.29: List of Thesis/Doctoral Students (Fryer worked with), 1993 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 7.30: Performance Reviews, 1973-1993 Add to Shelf
- Series 7: Academic Records, 1956-1963 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 7.31: Academic Records, 1956-1963 Add to Shelf
- UnitID: Series 7
- Series 8: Chairman's Notebooks, 1977-1979 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 7.32: Chairman's Notebooks, 1977-1979 Add to Shelf
- UnitID: Series 8
- Series 9: Photographs, 1968-1997 Add to Shelf
- UnitID: Series 9
- Box-Folder 8.1: Conferences and Workshops, 1979-1991 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 8.2: Microbiology Dept. Staff Members, 1968-1997 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 8.3: OSU Fish Disease Laboratory Staff and Researchers, 1986-1988 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 8.4: Portraits of Fryer, 1983-1997 Add to Shelf