Sol: LGBTQ+ Multicultural Support Network Collection, 2001-2023
Container List
- Series 1: Administrative Materials, 2001-2016 Add to Shelf
Series 1 includes budget reports and purchase requests, educational resources and training materials used to teach Sol staff as well as the wider campus community, documents relating to the founding of Sol, and position applications. The founding-related documents contain correspondences between Derron Rafiq Coles, founder and advisor of Sol, and the OSU administration, goals and guidelines for the operation of Sol, and agendas regarding the Advisory Board. Digital files include PowerPoints and Word documents.
The digital files described in this series are available upon request.
- Box-Folder 1.01: Advisory Board, 2008-2013 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 1.02: Budgets and Purchase Requests, 2007-2010 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 1.03: Budgets and Purchase Requests, 2011 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 1.04: Budgets and Purchase Requests, 2012 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 1.05: Budgets and Purchase Requests, 2013-2014 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 1.06: Budgets and Purchase Requests, 2015-2016 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 1.07: Coordinator Position Descriptions and Applications, 2008-2011 Add to Shelf
- Digital Folder 1: Position Descriptions and Applications, 2008-2010 Add to Shelf
- Extent: 3 files; 118 KB
- Box-Folder 1.08: History, Goals, and Correspondences, 2003-2015 Add to Shelf
- Digital Folder 2: History, Goals, Agendas, and Correspondences, 2003-2018 Add to Shelf
- Extent: 7 files; 689 KB
- Box-Folder 1.09: Teaching Materials, 2008-2009 Add to Shelf
- Digital Folder 3: Training and Educational Resources, 2008-2015 Add to Shelf
- Extent: 8 files; 6 MB
- Box-Folder 1.10: Training Materials, 2001-2013 Add to Shelf
- Series 2: Programming, 2004-2023 Add to Shelf
Series 2 includes marketing materials for both Sol events and collaborations with the OSU's Cultural Resource Centers, physical and digital versions of event flyers, photos taken during events, event-planning documents such as program evaluation sheets and correspondences, as well as items from conferences that Sol attended. This series includes several oversize event flyers. Digital files include various formats of event flyers, informational pamphlets, and weekly event overviews for identity-specific event series.
The digital files described in this series are available upon request.
- Box-Folder 1.11: Conference Materials, 2009 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 1.12: Event Photos, 2017-2018 Add to Shelf
- Extent: 6 prints
- Box-Folder 1.13: Event Promotion Materials, 2004-2020 Add to Shelf
- Digital Folder 4: Events and Cultural Resource Center Marketing Materials, 2011-2021 Add to Shelf
- Extent: 21 files; 8.21 MB
- Box-Folder 1.14: Events and Program Planning, 2011-2016 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 3.1: Marketing Posters (oversize), 2011-2023 Add to Shelf
- Series 3: Art and Activities, 2016 Add to Shelf
Series 3 includes art acquired and/or produced by Sol. Event and wall art includes informative posters of LGBTQ+ icons, print images of: a vision board for Spring 2018-2019, community-decorated flags, and one of Sol's early promotional posters (folder 1 of 2); a promotional button, an award from the APCC to Sol, and a drawing made by a community member (folder 2 of 2); and the physical flags from folder 2.1, identity-based art by community members, and a comic on QTPOC issues (oversize).
Also included is a set of healing cards as well as thank you cards sent to Sol after event collaborations, and three copies of a QTPOC art zine from 2016 that contain messages of support and resilience related to identity.
- Box-Folder 2.1: Event and Wall Art (folder 1 of 2), undated Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 2.2: Event and Wall Art (folder 2 of 2), undated Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 3.2: Event and Wall Art (oversize), undated Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 2.3: Healing Cards and Thank-You Cards, undated Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 2.4: QTPOC Zine, 2016 Add to Shelf