Activity Listings
- Article: "Soviet Rein Tight on Youth Festival", Washington Star RE: The Soviet Union hosted a Communist meeting "The World Youth Festival", which was tightly regulated and disappointing. LP, the Rolling Stones, and the Beatles, among others were rumored to attend, but never showed up. [Filed under LP Biographical: Political Issues, Pauling Central Intelligence Agency and U.S. State Department Files, Box # 2.032, Folder #32.1, Assorted Pauling CIA files, obtained under the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act, 1940, 1948-1969, 1973-, 1977, 1986.]
- Letter from Dr. Abram G. Hoober to LP, RE: Dr. Hooper sends a copy of a article from Readers Digest. He asks LP if he has done any work with Parkinsonism. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box# 170, Folder# 170.2]