Activity Listings
- Letter from Dr. E. Ceraskin to LP, RE: Sends a copy of his newly released took Diet and Disease because of LP's article Orthomolecular Psychiatry. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box# 331, Folder# 331.1]
- Letter from Dr. Irwin Stone to LP, RE: Writes about his plans to expand his papers on ascorbic acid to cover other diseases and pathological states than Leukemia. Gives the topics of his future papers on ascorbic acid. Discusses the greatest drawback to the introduction of Megascorbic Therapy and the paper he sends to LP on using Megascorbic Therapy in Leukemia. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box# 369, Folder# 369.1]
- Letter from Marakis C. Theophilis to LP, RE: Writes asking for copies of "Orthomolecular Chemistry" and papers on megavitamin therapy. Asks to include specific works on the use of niacin and ascorbic acid in the treatment of schizophrenia. [Letter from LP to Mr. Marakis C. Theophilis 6, 1968] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box 412, Folder 412.5]
- Letter from Mary Kurzawa to LP, RE: LP is asked if orthomolecular therapy is practiced and can be obtained by an individual on the east coast of the United States. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box# 203, Folder# 203.2]
- Letter from Reena L. Redfern to LP, RE: Expresses his gratitude for the literature on schizophrenia. Writes about her sister's current health disabilities and asks for advice on how to care for her sister. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box# 343, Folder# 343.5]